Chapter 29

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After the opening, the scene opens with Eren looking at Lara until he grabs Bertolt and places his blade at his throat.

Eren: Come any closer and I'll slit this fucker's throat before you even have a chance to get him!

Lara: You have guts boy, but I can kill you without so much as breaking a sweat.

Zeke: You... you are Eren Jaeger. You don't look anything like our father.

Eren: (Surprised) What?! What are you talking about!?

Zeke: You have to believe me, Eren. I know what you're going through as we're both victims of our father. He's brainwashed you.

Eren: What the hell are you talking about!?! I don't even know you and you expect me to believe anything that comes out of your fucking mouth! And what do you mean "our father"!?!

Before anyone could say anything, Siegfried and Levi land on top of the wall while covered in blood, as the former is still in his Titan form as he glares at the Warriors. It was then that Zeke told Lara to retreat while they leave Bertolt behind so that they can rescue Reiner. At the same time, Levi lands next to Eren while Siegfried lands next to the building that they are on until he comes out of his Titan's nape and lands next to them. Meanwhile, the scene changes to show Annie and Hange interrogating Reiner while the latter has both of his arms and legs cut off.

Hange: All right, I have a mountain of questions I'd like to ask you, Reiner but your mouth seems to be as hard as armor. I wonder, will you tell us what we want to know?

Reiner: No I won't. Annie. Why did you do it, why did you betray us for them?

Annie: I opened my eyes and realized that Marley doesn't give a shit about us as they only see us as tools that they can discard once they're done with us. Do you honestly believe that Marley will honor their end of the deal by freeing our families? They will kill them and then Marley will have us get eaten by someone else who'll then take our Titan powers away.

Before anyone could say anything, Lara came running towards them and took Reiner away while leaving everyone with shocked expressions on their faces.

Connie: Damnit! They took Reiner!

Hange: Connie! You don't need to go after them, cause you barely have any gas left and you'll just get yourself killed! (To Annie) That was one of the Warriors, The Warhammer Titan aka Lara Tybur, right?

Annie: Yeah it is. I hope that everyone else is okay.

Hange: I'm sure that they are and knowing Siegfried he'll make that everyone comes back in one piece.


The scene changes to show Siegfried, Eren, Mikasa, and Levi standing over Armin's burnt body as they realize that he is still alive despite his third-degree burns.

Eren: We need to turn Armin into a Titan and have him eat Bertolt!! Quick, give me the injection so I can turn him!!

Levi: All right. Mikasa, alert the others to our location. (Sees Mikasa nod her head and fires her flaregun)

It was then that Erwin and the rest of the Scouts arrived, just when Eren injected Armin which turned him into a Pure Titan while Siegfried used his Founding Titan abilities to stop him from attacking anyone. Siegfried then walks over to Bertolt as he starts waking up.

Bertolt: Siegfried? What's... what's going... (Sees Armin's Pure Titan form and starts freaking out)

Siegfried: (Picks Bertolt up) My how the tables have turned. I remember that day after you kicked a hole in the wall and let the Titans come in, everyone was like you. Running away in terror as the Titans picked them off one by one and then hearing their high pitch screams until silence remained.

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