Chapter 5

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The scene opens up to the cadets training their hand-to-hand combat again with Siegfried and Annie getting ready to fight each other, but they are greeted by Eren.

Eren: Hey, Annie! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for stealing your move without asking you if I can use it. It was just a heat of the moment sort of thing. (Laughs nervously)

Annie: Don't sweat it, besides you only scratched the surface of my technique you still have a long way to go before you can fully master it.

Siegfried: (Notices Jean training which surprises him) Hey, guys! Does it look like Jean is taking his training seriously or not?

Annie: No not really, but it's not like he's working hard to become a great soldier. He's doing it so he can pay you guys back for humiliating him.

Siegfried: Well he's got a long way to go then if he has a chance in defeating us.

Annie starts to remember what her dad said about being proud of her, but she gets interrupted by her thoughts by Eren.

Eren: Anyway, what do you think of my kick? I was just imitating what you did, but it worked perfectly!

Annie: It sucked, not even close.

Eren: Wait, seriously?! What was wrong with it?

Annie: Your stance was all wrong and besides I don't think that this specific fighting style is your type, you have a more boxing fighting style as you use your fists rather than your feet. (Glances at Siegfried and slightly turns red) As for you, Siegfried. If you want to learn my techniques, I wouldn't mind teaching them to you if you like.

Siegfried: Well then I hope you are ready cause it's not going to be like last time.

Eren moves back away from them and watches their fight.

Annie: (Gets into her fighting stance) Oh please, I insist that you show me how different this fight is going to play out.

Annie: (Gets into her fighting stance) Oh please, I insist that you show me how different this fight is going to play out

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Siegfried: (smirks and gets into his fighting stance) I'm glad you're fired up, now let's do this. (He charges toward Annie and blocks her head kick with his right hand, which he then grabs her leg throws her to the ground)

Annie gets up just when Siegfried charges at her and she quickly kicks him away a few feet, then she lunges forward to try and put him into a headlock. However, Siegfried grabs both of her hands and spins her around a few times before finally kicking her in the face, knocking her down to the ground.

Annie performs a backflip off of the ground and when Siegfried charges toward her, she dodges his attack, goes behind him, and grabs both his right am and head and then she leg sweeps Siegfried onto his back.

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