Chapter 4

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The scene opens with Siegfried and his friends trying to help Eren on how to use the ODM gear, but he keeps falling face-first on the ground. They then decided to take a break with training and patch Eren's head, after that they went to the mess hall and they tried their best to ignore the whispers of the other cadets who are talking about Eren.

Siegfried: (Sees Eren in a daze after listening to the cadets talk badly about him and snaps him out of it) Hey don't let them get to you, Eren. You'll show them that you can pass the ODM training with our help.

Eren: Yeah but, if I don't finish this training by tomorrow I'll be sent to the fields and I can't let that happen, not after I made myself a promise.

Siegfried: What do you mean?

Mikasa: (Cuts off Eren before he can say anything) He made a promise that he'll kill all of the Titans after what they did to our home and try to find you since we couldn't find you at the boats. Although Mrs. Jeager believed that we would all reunite with each other and when we asked her what she meant, she wouldn't say.

Siegfried: Well she is a very wise woman so it's no wonder that she believed that we would meet each other again. (Internally) Fuck!! She knows about my Titan powers, cause I saw her giving me that look like she knew who I was when I was in my Titan form.

Armin: Look, there's no sense in working ourselves over it, maybe we can ask the cadets for advice on how to use it.

Eren: Yeah you're right Armin, I'll ask them right now. (Turns to Siegfried and Mikasa) You guys coming?

Siegfried: I'll catch up with you guys later right now I have to do something first.

Eren and Armin nod their heads and leave to go back to the boy's cabin leaving Siegfried and Mikasa alone.

Siegfried: Mikasa, I know that you are worried about Eren, but you have to let him make his own decisions.

Mikasa: (looks down at the table with a sad and understanding expression) I know, it's just he saved my life when I was little and I feel like I owe him.

Siegfried: What happened? (Sees that she looks up at him with a sad look on her face) You don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable.

Mikasa: It's okay I want to tell you. When I was little my biological parents were murdered right in front of me by human traffickers, they killed my father and were going to take my mother and me. However, my mother fought back and died defending me while I did nothing to help her, they then took me and I thought I was going to die or worse but Eren found me and saved my life. He even gave me the will to keep fighting which is why I want to repay him for what he has done for me.

Siegfried: I'm sorry that happened to you and I understand why you depend on him, but if you want my advice you can't always depend on Eren for everything you have to learn to do things on your own. (Sees that Mikasa is about to say something, but he cuts her off) I'm not saying that you should forget about him, all I'm saying is that you can't make him the reason to live cause you have to make your own decisions and not let other people decide for you.

Mikasa looks at Siegfried with a surprised look as she begins to realize that everything he said was true, she has been depending on Eren for everything and not focusing on what she wants to do.

Siegfried: (Grabs Mikasa's hands as she stares at him) Mikasa, learn to train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

Mikasa: (smiles and hides her lower face with her scarf to avoid him seeing her blushing) Thank you, Siegfried. I'll learn how to be my person instead of relying on others on how I decide my life.

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