Chapter 2

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The scene opens to show the Colossal Titan kicking the wall again making the already existing hole a lot bigger for the medium size Titans and causing large debris to crash into the district crushing buildings and people.

Armin: (shocked and scared) I-It made a hole in the wall?! Even the biggest Titans are less than 15 meters tall. For its head to stick out over the wall must mean that it's at least 60 meters high?!

Everyone goes into a panic and starts running to the inner wall to escape.

Armin: (turns to Siegfried, Eren, and Mikasa while panicking) You guys have to run! We have to get out of here before the Titans get in!! (Sees both Siegfried and Eren running in the other direction)

Mikasa/Armin: Siegfried! Eren!

Eren: Those pieces of the wall fell near the houses and my mom is still at home!

Siegfried: I'm coming with you Eren, I'm not going to let you do this alone. (Hears Eren say "Thank you" to him as they both run to the Jaeger house, with Mikasa right behind them)

Armin: (frighten and mortified) It's too late... this town... will be overrun by Titans!!

The scene changes to show Siegfried, Eren, and Mikasa running back to the Jaeger house while Eren is having a mental crisis in his head, wanting to believe that his house is fine. However, once they turn a corner they spot the house destroyed by a large boulder and they see Carla crushed underneath the collapsed roof.

Eren/Siegfried: MOM!!!! MRS. JAEGER!!!!

Carla: Eren, Siegfried, is that you?

Eren: (turns to Mikasa and points to the pillar on his right side) Mikasa, hold that side! (Turns to Siegfried and points to his left side) And Siegfried you get that side!

The children try and pick up the pillar, but to no avail as the only thing that they are doing is scratching their fingers.

Carla: (shouting) Eren!! Please take your friends and get out of here now!! My legs got crushed by the rubble, even if you get me out, I can't run... You understand, don't you?

Eren: I'd love to! So let's hurry up and get you out so then Siegfried and I can carry you!

Carla: Why don't you ever listen to me?! At least obey me this last time!! (Turns to Mikasa) Mikasa!! (Sees that she is having a mental breakdown and saying "No" with tears in her eyes, then she turns to Siegfried) Siegfried, please get them out of here and save yourselves!

Siegfried: (still struggling to lift the pillar) No, I'm not going to leave you. You and Mr. Jaeger have given me a second chance even though you didn't have to, you have given me spare clothes, a roof over my head, and good food to eat! (Starts crying his eyes out) You have become like a mother to me in just a short amount of time I've stayed with you, and I'm not going to let you die, mom!! (Carla sees the tears rolling down his and Eren's eyes and sheds her tears as well)

Carla and the kids then hear the sound of loud footsteps and the kids see a large Titan a few blocks from them coming their way, but what disturbed them was that it had a creepy smiling grin on its face.

Carla: All of you, get away from here!! (Internally) At this rate, all four of us will... (Gets interrupted by Hannes, a Garrison Soldier who arrived to help them) Mr. Hannes!! You mustn't fight it!! Take the children and get away from here!!

Hannes: Don't underestimate me, Carla! I'll slay this Titan and save all four of you!! After what your family did for me, it's high time I paid back the debt!! (Internally, while running towards the Smiling Titan) Do I go back and just rescue the kids or do I take a chance fighting the Titan to try and save the four of them? Listen to Carla or pay back my debt?!

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