Chapter 13

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The scene opens with Eren trying to punch the Female Titan, but she dodges out of the way and kicks him back a few feet. Eren then pushes her down to the ground and tries to punch her, but she moves her head to the side causing him to break his entire left arm. He then does it again with his right hand, but with the same outcome.

Eren (thinking): Back then, if I had fought with the others... No, even earlier than that I should have fought back. When Captain Levi and my brother were with us, we could have beaten her. We might have been able to capture her.

Eren (thinking): I made this choice and everyone died because of it. No, more than anything, this is your fault!

Eren starts roaring at the Female Titan's face while she turns her head to avoid him.

Eren (thinking): I'm gonna rip you to shreds! (His hands start healing) Once my hands heal, I'm gonna tear you apart... piece by piece, and then I'll devour you!

The Female Titan heals her other eye and grabs Eren while he tries to punch her, but she kicks him into a tree. Eren then charges at her but she dodges out of the way while both of them roll on the ground to get up. However, Eren is much faster and towers over her and roars, he then tries to punch her multiple times but she dodges all of his attacks. She crystallizes her fist and punches Eren's mouth, but he grinds his mouth over her and uppercuts her in the gut. Eren then charges at her again, but she gets out of the way causing him to hit a tree face first.

??? (Thinking): Shit! He's too strong, if I hadn't blocked his other attacks he could have punched my head off. I can't keep running away anymore, I have to fight back. Looks like I have to use that move to defeat him, which might expose my identity but I'm running out of options.

Eren (thinking): (Gets into a boxing fighting stance) I just need to punch her one more time and then we can capture her. (Sees the Female Titan get into a familiar fighting stance and goes into shock) What?

The Female Titan decapitates Eren's head with a single kick, she then puts him into her mouth just when Mikasa arrives to see it. Meanwhile, Levi flies past the bodies of his fallen comrades until he meets up with Siegfried and Petra.

Siegfried: (turns to Levi with tears in his eyes) I'm sorry brother, but I wasn't fast enough to save the others. I was only able to save her, but I couldn't save them. It's my fault, I should have stayed with them from the very beginning and now they are dead. Because I made the decision of leaving them behind when I shouldn't have.

Levi: This wasn't your fault, little brother. We both made the choice to deal with the Female Titan when she was captured, we had no idea that this would happen. (Puts his hand on Siegfried's head) So don't blame yourself, Siegfried.

Siegfried: Thank you for cheering me up, big brother.

Levi: (smirks) What kind of big brother I would be if I didn't. However, that also means that you are going to stop making fun of my height right, little brother?

Siegfried: I would if you would stop calling me a brat?

Levi and Siegfried just stare at each other without saying anything until Petra decides to break the silence.

Petra: You know this is the part where you two would agree with each other's terms, right?

Siegfried/Levi: (looks at each other and then back to Petra) Nope.

Siegfried: Are you gonna be okay enough to move?

Petra: Yeah I'll be fine, you two have to go and help Eren.

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