Chapter 33

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After the opening, the scene opens to show the Marleyan military preparing for a counterattack while some of the soldiers carry the wounded or dead citizens and soldiers to a safe place as they are being shot at by the scouts. It is then that it shows Sasha killing a Marleyan guard by shooting at his head as she makes eye contact with a little girl before Connie flies toward her.

Connie: Sasha, we finished blocking this street. So, let's go.

Sasha: Did you forget that we need to turn on the beacon, Connie? (Takes out her beacon and activates it onto the building)

Connie: That's right. (Does the thing to his beacon and starts flying towards Jean with Sasha behind him) Jean! It's gonna take a while for the enemy reinforcements to get here.

Jean: Well, we've gotten most of the enemy's forces under control, but there's still work to be done. Have you two finished placing your beacons?

Sasha: We have everything set up, but is it all going according to plan?

Jean: Well, Siegfried has managed to defeat the Beast Titan while both Eren and Maurice are fighting the Warhammer and Armored Titans, but anything could happen.

As Jean and his squad watch their friends fighting the warrior Titans, nobody notices that the same girl that had witnessed the Marleyan guard's death picking up a rifle as she tries to find a way to get where Sasha is. Meanwhile, the scene changes to show Lara firing multiple crossbow bolts at Maurice who blocks the attacks with his wings while Eren charges at Reiner and tackles him into a building before pinning him to the ground. It was then that Maurice fired his electric energy breath attack at Lara who blocked it by creating an armored shield, but then Maurice swung his wings which created a gust of wind that sent Lara a few feet backward until she was slammed onto the ground by Maurice.

Maurice: Stand down, Lara!

Lara: (creates a large spike from her Titan body which impales Maurice and sends him into the air before forming another Titan body and creating her Warhammer) No, it is you who should stand down, Dragon Titan! Now, die!

Mikasa: I don't think so! (flies toward Lara and fires multiple thunderspears at her which knocks her to the ground while her Titan body is shown suffering from major injuries)

Lara: You're annoying me, girl! (Creates a sword and swings it at Mikasa)

However, Mikasa dodges out of the way as Lara's sword comes swinging down and through a building. At the same time, Eren is shown bombarding Reiner with multiple punches to his face with his armored fists, but surprisingly the latter isn't putting up much of a fight and it is then that Eren starts to hear a voice in his head.

??? (Voice Only): What are you doing, Eren? You should be going after Lara's actual body instead of worrying about Reiner.

Eren (thinking): I know that, but both Maurice and Mikasa can handle her.

??? (Voice Only): Oh, Eren. I'm disappointed in you. Here you are in the very country that was responsible for attacking your home, the very people who drive your hatred towards the Titans. The same ones who put your mother in a wheelchair for five years and yet, instead of going after the sister of the man that had declared war on your home you would rather fight a coward. Such a shame.

Eren (thinking): (starts remembering everything that Marley had done to both his family and his home as he then becomes enraged while his eyes flash between green and purple) You're right.

??? (Voice Only): Then you know what you have to do, Eren? Kill Lara and take her power!

Without saying anything else, Eren then turns his attention to Lara's Titan body and notices a fleshy cable leading into a hole in the ground a few feet away as he makes his way towards it before smashing his hand into the ground and pulling out a large crystal that has Lara inside of it. He then rips the fleshy cable from the crystal as it causes Lara's Titan body to fall, which makes both Mikasa and Maurice turn their attention to Eren, as they watch in horror as Eren starts crushing the crystal with his armored hands causing cracks to form.

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