Chapter 30 (Ending of Season 3)

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Flashback Ends

After the opening, the scene changes back to the present and it shows everyone with surprised looks on their faces. However, Siegfried is shown in a state of shock as he is breathing heavily which catches everyone's attention.

Levi: Siegfried, what's wrong?

Eren: Yeah, are you okay man?

Mikasa: Siegfried? (Tries to place her hand on Siegfried's shoulder but he starts running out of the basement) Siegfried?! Wait?!

Hange: He's in shock after learning the truth about his past! We have to follow him, now!

Meanwhile, Siegfried runs out of the basement and sees the rest of the Scouts waiting for them.

Connie: Hey Siegfried, did you find out the truth about your father?

Jean: Yeah, what did you guys learn about him?

Siegfried continues to walk and ignores them while he starts breathing rapidly as his hands start to shake until he then places his hand on his chest where his heart is located.

Erwin: (Notices the way Siegfried is acting) Siegfried, what's wrong? (Sees Siegfried fall to his knees and then to his side)

The scouts then rushed towards Siegfried just in time for the others to come out of the basement.

Sasha: (to Hange) What's happening to him?!

Hange: He's hyperventilating and is going into a panic attack! Siegfried, you have to slow your breathing!

Annie: Siegfried, you're going to be okay just calm down!

However, their pleas fall on deaf ears as Siegfried blacks out and goes unconscious until he wakes up and sees white sand surrounding him as well as a massive tree in front of him.

Siegfried: Where the hell am I?

??? (Voice Only): This place is called the Paths and it serves as channels for the transportation of several things, such as memories and wills from other Subjects of Ymir, flesh, and bones that make up a Titan's body, commands from a Titan's scream, and the power of the Titans.

Siegfried: (turns around and sees an old man behind him) Who are you?

???: Funny, I said the same thing when I was in your place, kid. I am you and you are me.

Siegfried: Wait what?!

Rossel: I am your previous incarnation and I was known as Siegfried Rossel, but you can call me Rossel. Just so that you and our readers don't get confused with us calling each other, Siegfried.

Siegfried: You see them too?

Rossel: Maybe, who knows? (Turns to the camera and winks at the readers) Now, I'm sure that you have some questions that you would like me to answer.

Siegfried: Yeah it's a lot to take in.

Rossel: I know that feeling all too well. You see after you learned the truth about your past, your mind wasn't ready to receive that much information and it caused you to have a panic attack.

Siegfried: So, it is true that I was born ten thousand years ago and that my sister was Ymir Fritz, and that I've been reincarnated as well?

Rossel: Yes it's true. Although, this would be your fifth time being reincarnated as I was the fourth incarnation of your past life.

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