Chapter 6

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The scene opens with the Colossal Titan raising his hand and smacking the cannons off of the wall, while Siegfried jumps out of the way. Siegfried grapples onto the Colossal Titan's arm and makes his way to his nape and goes in for the kill, however, the Titan releases steam from his nape blinding and burning Siegfried until he lets go. After getting himself ready again he slices the steam in half, but he realizes that the Colossal Titan is gone just like five years ago.

Connie: Siegfried!! Did you kill it?!

Siegfried: The Colossal Titan disappeared!

Eren: (Surprised) It's just like five years ago, he was here one second and gone the next.

Siegfried: Damnit, I almost had him but he got away. I'm sorry guys.

Thomas: What are you apologizing for? We couldn't even move... (Gets interrupted by Connie)

Connie: Hey! Is this really a good time to talk! Part of the wall has been breached and if it isn't sealed soon, we're gonna have another district taken over by the Titans!

Before Squad 4 has a chance to respond, a Garrison Soldier arrives on top of the wall getting their attention.

Garrison Soldier: What are you trainees doing?! The strategy for dealing with the Colossal Titan appearance is already in motion! Report to your posts on the double and if any of you made contact with it, make a report to HQ!

Squad 4: (preforms the military salute) Yes, sir!

Garrison Soldier: Good luck to the advance team!


The scene changes to all of the cadets preparing their equipment, while some are having mental breakdowns over what's going on. After hearing the Garrison captain give out his speech to the cadets they all split into their respective groups, awaiting orders from their officers.

Garrison Officer: (walks up to Siegfried) Trainee, Siegfried! You have been assigned to Squad 7.

Siegfried: Yes, sir! (Sees him walks away and then he turns to his friends) You two be careful when you're out there, okay.

Eren: Don't worry bro, we will.

Mikasa: I'll make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid. (Hears Eren say "Hey" in annoyance before turning her attention to Siegfried) Please be careful okay, I don't know what I would do if I lost you.

Siegfried: (pokes her forehead with his index and middle fingers) Don't worry Mikasa I'll be careful and I'll come back in one piece. I promise. (Sees Mikasa nod her head and they both walk away to their respective teams)


The scene changes to show the cadets in class learning about the Titans.

Teacher: What we've learned about the Titans, such as their way of life, we owe to the latest reports by the Scout Regiment. The structure of the Titan body is fundamentally different from other living beings. They have no sexual organs and the method by which they reproduce is unknown.

The cadets listen in on their teacher's words.

Teacher: Most of them have a male physique, but there were reports of a Female Titan in the loss of the Shiganshina District. Their bodies have extremely high temperatures and, strangely, they show absolutely no interest in life forms other than humans.

The teacher then went on to explain that the sole purpose of the Titans is to eat humans, as well as explain the history of the Titans and their attacks on the human race. He then went on to say that the only way to kill the Titans is by cutting the back of the neck with the blades from the Omni-directional mobility gear.

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