Chapter 9

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The scene opens up with the cadets waiting for their orders until a Garrison Soldier arrives and tells them their orders. After learning about what happened to Eren, they then hear a loud boom and saw a flash of yellow lightning coming in the direction of where the others were. The cadets then went to the location of where the sound came from and they all saw a partial Titan skeleton near the wall.

Meanwhile, Eren wakes up in the Titan's nape and he finally manages to get out and falls to where his friends are.

Eren: Hey! Are you guys okay?!

Siegfried: We've been better!

Eren: I don't know if they're waiting to see what happens or if they're still stunned. For the moment, the Garrison Soldiers can't see us, but eventually, they'll resume the attack. And after I showed them my abilities, I'm not sure we can talk our way out of this.

Siegfried: Yeah at this point that dumbass would just shoot us the moment we get out of this smokescreen.

Eren: I did remember one thing, though... the basement room. The basement room back at my house! My dad told me I'd understand everything if I went there. He's also the reason why I'm like this, whatever is in that room might explain what the Titans are, too!

Mikasa: Eren, right now we have to focus. We have to find a way to get out of here.

As the others try to find a plan to either escape the wall or reason with the soldiers, Siegfried on the other hand is thinking about the basement and that it could have information about him and his past. However, he gets shaken out of his thoughts by Mikasa.

Mikasa: Siegfried! I've been calling your name but you spaced out, are you okay?

Siegfried: Yeah I'm fine. So, what's the plan?

Eren: Alright so I have two ideas, the first one is that I escape over the wall and leave to our old home, and the second one is that we let Armin convince the soldiers that I'm not a threat. But if the second plan doesn't work I'll go with the first one.

Siegfried: Eren, if we do this then you're gonna need a distraction from the cannon artillery. I'll be the one to draw their fire allowing you to escape.

Armin: What?! But you won't stand a chance, you'll die before Eren has any time to escape the wall!

Eren: Yeah bro I don't think that is a good idea. Besides, you're like a brother to me and I don't want to see you get hurt man.

Mikasa: Yeah I don't want to lose you either Siegfried, you're one of my friends and if anything bad were to happen to you I don't know what I would do.

Everyone goes into complete silence until Siegfried decides to break it.

Siegfried: Guys there's something I have to tell you. You see I didn't know how you guys would react if you knew what I could do which is why I kept it a secret, but now I'm ready to tell you... well more like show you actually.

Before the others could ask what he meant, Siegfried cuts his hand with the ODM blades which frightens them, but then they see steam coming out of his wound, and then it starts to heal.

Eren: Siegfried, you're a...

Siegfried: Yes Eren, I'm like you a Titan Shifter. You and I have the ability to transform into a Titan. Like you Eren, I didn't know that I have this ability until five years ago when I saved your mom.

Mikasa: (gains a surprised look on her face as she realizes who he is) But then that would mean that you are the Titan that saved our lives.

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