Chapter 18

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The scene opens with both Siegfried and Eren waking in the middle of the Titans Forest with their arms amputated and steam is coming out of them, while they turn to see Reiner and Bertolt staring at them with Ymir facing the other way with her arm and leg amputated.

Reiner: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You two were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there. (Points at Ymir)


Reiner: Oh, Eren and Siegfried. You two are up?

Siegfried: You know, this is the second time I had someone watching me sleep. First, it was Erwin and now it's you two scumbags.

Eren: What the hell! What happened to my arms?!

Reiner: That was my fault, when I went to rip you out of your Titan form I forgot to account for your arms and I ended up tearing them apart.

Siegfried: (sees Eren about to bite his stumpy arm and stops him) I wouldn't do that Eren it won't work.

Eren: What do you mean it won't work?

Siegfried: You see normally if any of our limbs are amputated we can transform into our Titan forms, but because we are in our human forms it's straining our powers which prevents us from transforming. Not only that, but healing takes much longer in our human forms than in our Titan forms.

Ymir: Siegfried's right, Eren. All of us are in the same predicament as you. Besides taking a look around us, we're in the Titans Forest inside of Wall Maria. This place is a long way away from the walls and that means we're in Titan territory.

Siegfried: She's right. Besides below us, several Titans and the one lying down on the ground staring at us is an Abnormal. Also even if we tried to escape not only would we have to deal with them, but also another Abnormal behind us and those two traitors over there.

Everyone stays quiet for a few minutes until Reiner decides to say something.

Reiner: Now that Eren and Siegfried are awake, I can tell you all our plans.

Siegfried: Oh great I guess this is the part where the villain makes this big speech about his evil master plan and some other bullshit.

Reiner: Anyway, we are taking all of you back to our hometown. However, because we are surrounded by Titans we have to wait until nightfall to escape.

Siegfried: And then what are you going to do to us when we go back to your hometown? Are you going to force us into your Warrior Program or have us get eaten by a Titan?

Reiner: How do you know about that?

Siegfried: It doesn't matter how I know about your home, but what I do know is that if you take me back to Marley it would be the worst decision you'll ever make. Because the moment I set foot in Marley with my limbs fully healed, I'm going to destroy your home and burn it to the ground and then I'm going to kill everyone that you ever cared about.

Reiner and Bertolt look at Siegfried in shock as they realize that bringing him could be a really bad idea, but they hopefully believe that the other Titan Shifters could stand a chance against him.


After a few hours had passed, everyone is still waiting for nightfall until Reiner starts talking about not getting a day off from the Scout Regiment, which confuses everyone about his sudden change in personality except for Bertolt and Siegfried. However, with Reiner's personality suddenly changed Eren decides to voice his opinion on it.

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