Chapter 27

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After the opening, the scene opens with the Colossal Titan smashing his hands into the various houses and then throwing them in the sky, while Hange's Squad watches with shocked expressions on their faces. It was then decided that they will distract him as they realize that if they retreat and regroup with the others, then Bertolt will continue to rain down burning rumble everywhere until it burns the other side of the gate. Once they reached a far enough distance, Annie transforms into her Titan form and stands next to Eren.

Armin: Yell, Eren, and Annie! Don't let Bertolt get any closer to that wall!

Eren and Annie then start roaring at Bertolt to get his attention, but when he turns to face them he then looks away and continues to walk to the wall.

Jean: Is that bastard ignoring us?! He must know we don't want him going there!

Connie: Now what do we do, Jean?!

Armin: I have an idea! Eren! Annie! We're going to stop Bertolt from moving by attacking him together and we'll see if we can exploit any of his weaknesses!

Jean: Are you sure that plan will work?

Mikasa: Well, it's the only plan we got so quit your bitching and let's do this!

Everyone nods their heads and they charge at Bertolt. Eren and Annie grab onto Bertolt's leg together, but he swings his leg back and then kicks them a few feet in the air until they both hit the wall. Meanwhile, the scene changes to show Levi's Squad finished taking out the Titans and now they are waiting for their orders until they start dodging out of the way from thousands of stones flying at them that were thrown by the Beast Titan.

Zeke: Hmmm... just a little too high. (Notices Pieck walking toward him while pushing a large boulder) Oh, leave those there.

Lara: (walks up to her fellow warriors) This is a complete waste of time, we should be attacking them all at once not playing games with them!

Zeke: (Picks up one of the boulders) Patient, Lara. Once I've taken out their horses and Bertolt deals with the devils inside of the Wall, then we can capture Eren.

Lara: What about Siegfried?

Zeke: (smirks) Just leave him to me, cause I, or rather the Beast Titan has a personal score to settle with him.

Zeke then crushes the boulder into small stones and then throws them at the scouts, which causes massive damage as well as killing several members of the scouts. Once Levi's Squad regroups with Commander Erwin, some of the recruits start panicking and also questioning what they should do. Meanwhile, Levi, Siegfried, Petra, and Ymir start talking to Erwin about if he has a plan.

Erwin: (looks at Levi and Siegfried) Yes, I have a plan but if it works you two may be able to defeat the Beast and Warhammer Titans. But only if we sacrifice the lives of all of the recruits here, as well as mine. Although I doubt that any of them would be willing to risk their lives unless I was the one leading them, all I really want is to go into that basement and learn more about our history.

Siegfried: Are you a fucking idiot or something?! Do you think going on a suicide mission and risking your life, as well as the lives of our comrades, is going to help us! All you are going to accomplish is by getting yourself and everyone else killed!

Erwin: Then what should we do, Siegfried?

Siegfried: The warriors are after me and Eren, right? So, I say that I give them exactly what they want I'll go after both the Beast and Warhammer Titans, while the rest of the scouts deal with the mindless Titans. And Ymir, you will deal with the Cart Titan.

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