Chapter 32

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After the opening, the scene opens to show the citizens of Marley running away in terror as Siegfried releases another energy breath attack directly at the military soldiers who were in the area. It was then that it shows Eren standing in the crowd as the people are running away while he watches Siegfried destroying the buildings as he smirks.

Eren: So, now is the time

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Eren: So, now is the time. (Bites his hand and transforms into his Titan form)

Siegfried: (turns to see Eren walking towards him) Eren, I want you to destroy as much of the city as possible while I take out the military. (Notices a yellow lightning flash and sees the Warhammer Titan forming) Change of plans, I want you to handle Lara Tybur but don't kill her. We need her alive.

Eren nods his head and charges at Lara while Siegfried heads toward Marley's military. Meanwhile, the scene changes to show Zeke with Marley's military as they see Siegfried walking toward them.

Soldier 1: (to Zeke) Sir, the Gojira Titan is getting closer! What are your orders?!

Zeke: Fire everything that we have to slow him down long enough for me to get my weapon!

Soldier 2: But sir, it's still a prototype and it hasn't been tested yet!

Zeke: This is the test! You have your orders, soldier so I suggest that you follow them!

Soldier 2: Yes, sir!

Zeke then walks away from his soldiers as the latter orders the others to fire at Siegfried, but he comes out unscathed as he blocks the incoming artillery missiles. Siegfried then launches his energy breath attack at the artillery cannons and destroys them, but then he notices a yellow lightning bolt in the distance and he then sees the Beast Titan walking into his view while holding a large metal axe in his hand as they both face each other.

Zeke: Hello there, Gojira Titan or should I call you, Siegfried?

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Zeke: Hello there, Gojira Titan or should I call you, Siegfried?

Siegfried: It doesn't matter what you call me as I'm going to kill every single one of you for attacking my home!

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