Chapter 3

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Year: 847

Three years before graduation, the scene opens to the recruits joining the 104th Cadet Corps and are now being instructed by a Drill Instructor, named Keith Shadis.

Keith: (walks up to Armin) Hey, mop-top.

Armin: (preforms the military salute) Sir!

Keith: What's your name, brat?!

Armin: Armin Arlert of Shiganshina District, sir!!

Keith: Is that right? What the hell kind of name is that? Did your parents give it to you?

Armin: It was my grandfather, sir.

Keith: Is that so? Tell me Arlert, what the hell did you come here for?

Armin: To make myself useful in the struggle for humanity's victory, sir!

Keith: Well that's mighty admirable, I think I'm gonna make you Titan food, maggot. (Grabs his head and turns him around) Squad three, turn around!

Keith then talks to a few more people, one of them going by the name of Thomas before he then turns his attention to a cadet that resembles a horse or a donkey's ass.

Keith: What the hell is your name, jackass?!

Jean: Jean Kirstein from Trost District, sir!

Keith: What did you come here for?!

Jean: (grins smuggling) To get into the Military Police Regiment and live in the interior, sir. (Siegfried and Eren stares at him with disappointment)

Keith: I see, you want to go to the interior, do you? (Hears horse-boy say "Yes, sir" and he headbutts him to his knees) Who told you that you could sit down! If you can't handle it here what makes you think that you'll make it in the Military Police!!

Keith walks away from the horse-boy and walks up to Siegfried.

Keith: What's your name, maggot?

Siegfried: (preforms the military salute) Siegfried from the Shiganshina District, sir!

Keith: What's your reason for being here, maggot?

Siegfried: To take back Wall Maria and kill the Armored and Colossal Titans, sir!

Keith: Oh really, aiming quite high for a brat like you. Tell me maggot, how are you going to kill the Armored and Colossal Titans?

Siegfried: (smirks) By shoving the Armored Titan's head up the Colossal Titan's ass, sir! (A few of the cadets stopped themselves from laughing at hearing what he said)

Keith: (laughs at his answer) If you can pull that off, I'll treat you to a drink if you live through this! (Turns to a short boy with a shaved head) You, maggot! Who are you?!

Connie: (preforms the military salute but with his wrong hand) Connie Springer from Ragako Village, in Wall Rose's Southern District, sir!

Keith: (Picks up the dumb kid by his head) You've got it backwards, Connie Springer. I know they taught you at the start, the salute indicates your dedication to serve the common good, heart and soul. (Starts squeezing the boy's head) Is your heart on your right side, shithead?! (Hears a crunch sound coming from a girl to his left side)

The cadets stare at the potato girl in shock while Keith looks at her with confusion.

Keith: (drops Connie on the ground) Hey, you. What the hell are you doing? (Potato girl continues to eat the potato and looks away from him, but he appears right in her face) YOU ARE OFFICIALLY ON MY SHIT LIST, JUST WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU?!!

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