Chapter 14 (End of Season 1)

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The scene opens with Levi and Eren waiting for the scouts to come and get them before the Military Police show up.

Levi: They're late. I can't believe that good-for-nothing Erwin is making me wait. The MP's are going to get here first, most likely, he's having some trouble taking a shit.

Eren: (chuckles to himself at Levi's joke, but then he gets serious) Captain, you're pretty talkative today.

Levi: Don't be stupid, I've always been talkative.

Eren: I'm sorry, back then if only I hadn't made the wrong choice things might have been different. You wouldn't have lost so many members of your squad.

Levi: I told you. No one knows how things will turn out. So it's not your fault and besides Petra has already made a full recovery after what happened.

The door then opens revealing the scouts entering the room.

Siegfried: I'm sorry we're late, but a black cat crossed our path so we had to take the long way, which we then ran into an old lady that needed help crossing the street, and then we got lost on the path of life.

Levi: That was the worst excuse ever, of all time.

Erwin: Enough of that. We know the identity of the Female Titan who is attached to the Military Police Regiment.

Eren: Who is the suspect?

Erwin: Siegfried is the one who came to me with the information about the Female Titan's identity. And I decided to carry out this plan based on his proposal. We deduced that the Female Titan was among you in the 104th training corps and was the one that killed our two Titan subjects. Her name is Annie Leonhart.

Eren stares at them in shock before turning to Siegfried.

Eren: Annie? The Female Titan? What made you think that it was her?

Siegfried: She practically came out of the Female Titan's nape when I confronted her after you were taken back to the others. I also picked up a faint trail of her scent after the two Titans were killed a month ago. However, what made me suspicious of her was her unique fighting style that I faced in training, which is the same style that the Female Titan had when I fought her five years ago. There's no denying that Annie is the Female Titan.

Eren: This is a lot to take in and while a part of me wants to believe that she is innocent, but with all of the proof that you told me I have to agree. Now that I think about I remember seeing the Female Titan using Annie's technique, which caused me to freeze up.

Levi: So, what's the plan?

Erwin then explained to everyone that their plan is to have Siegfried lead Annie into a trap, while Levi's new squad makes sure that if she tries to escape they will stop her. While everyone follows the plan, Erwin will keep the Military Police off of their backs in the meantime.


The scene changes with Annie meeting up with her MP squad while they do their daily tasks. After talking to her comrades, Annie decides to leave only to find a cloaked Siegfried waiting for her.

Annie: Siegfried.

Siegfried: Hey, Annie.

Annie: Are you here to kill me?

Siegfried: No, but now is the time to make a choice. Listen, Annie, if you come with me you'll be able to convince everyone that you are not our enemy and we can discuss the situation revolving around your father, so we can help you.

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