Chapter 25 (Mid-Season Finale)

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Complete Harem List:

That's it for his harem for now and I probably won't be adding anymore after this. I know that I said that I wouldn't add any more girls after the sixth one, but one of my followers suggested adding Frieda and Lara since they are rare pairings in AOT stories. So, I have gotten permission from the owner of the second oc to replace the two girls and add them to my oc. Also, I know that I made both Siegfried and Frieda related but I have an idea that won't make them actual blood-related siblings. But anyway onto the chapter.

The scene opens with Siegfried using his founder abilities to lead the Abnormal Titan in the direction of the cannon fire of the combined efforts of the Scout and Military Police Regiments. While this is going on, Ymir's Squad reunites with the rest of Levi's Squad along with Siegfried who meets up with them.

Siegfried: (gets tackled into a hug by Historia) So, I'm guessing that you found out the truth from her, right?

Historia: (smiles) Yep! Frieda told me everything about what happened to her and how she survived. Although, there is something that I should tell you. After I gave the doctor some of my blood, he did another test and it showed that you are a distant relative of the Reiss Family.

Siegfried: So, I guess that means that I am your distant cousin then?

Historia: Yeah, but it's strange cause the Reiss Family is the only one that has royal blood behind the walls? So, either a member of my family had you with someone else or maybe there are more mysteries about my family that we don't know.

Siegfried: Yeah, but until we find out the truth I wouldn't mind if you wanted to call me big brother?

Historia: (smiles with tears in her eyes) I like that, big brother. (Hugs Siegfried who hugs her back)

After Siegfried and Historia break from the hug, Siegfried went to talk to Levi about their plan while Eren walks up to Historia.

Eren: Hey Historia, are you okay? I know that learning about the truth of your is a lot to take in, so I wanted to see if you were okay?

Historia: Well, after learning the truth about my family it's a lot to take in, but I'm getting there. I actually wanted to thank you, Eren. If it hadn't been for your speeches I probably would have listened to my father, so thank you Eren for saving me. (Hugs Eren)

Eren: (hugs her back while smiling) You're welcome, Historia. By the way, how are you holding up with the fact that when all of this is over, you have to take up the mantle of becoming queen?

Historia: Well, it's a lot to take in and I know that it'll be a ton of work, but with you, right beside me I know that I can do it.

Eren: (confused) Me?

Historia: Yes, you. Eren, you taught me that I can be my own person instead of being someone that I'm not. You even told me that what my father was saying was a lie and you also protected me from them as well. Oh, fuck it! (Kisses Eren on his lips which surprises him, but she feels him kissing her back) I've liked you for a while now and after everything that you've done for me, how could I not fall in love with you?

Eren: (smiles) It's the same for me as well.

It was then that the two lovebirds felt like they were being watched and when they turned around, they saw Siegfried, Mikasa, and Armin staring at them while nodding their heads and smiling. Which it caused Eren and Historia to start blushing in embarrassment.

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