Chapter 31

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The scene opens to show a young boy named Falco walking to the hospital's courtyard until he spots a man who's missing his right arm as he is shown struggling to open his beverage.

Falco: (runs up to the man) Let me help you, sir.

???: (hands the boy his drink) Thank you, kid. (Notices the boy's injuries) What happened to you, you're hurt?

Falco: Oh I'm fine this happens during training to become a Marleyan Warrior, but I'll never become one since another candidate is much better than me.

???: I see, then it's probably for the best. (Sees Falco staring at him with a confused look on his face) I knew three warriors who were affected by this program in their own ways. The first one wanted to follow Marley's orders no matter how terrible they were since he was willing to kill innocent people to appease his masters, the second one only became a warrior to free her father from Marley's prison, and the third one mind was so fracture that he developed a split personality disorder and he couldn't tell who he was anymore.

Falco: I... I didn't know that.

???: Of course, you didn't cause you are just a kid. You have your whole life ahead of you and if you continue down this path then you'll just be a tool in Marley's war until you inevitably become discarded and then someone else will take your place.

Falco: I'll think about it, sir. By the way, what's your name?

???: You'll know in due time kid.

The man then walks away from Falco and makes his way toward an alleyway, to which he comes across a man who's missing both his left eye and leg.

???: Hello there, Eren.

Eren: Siegfried. What did you learn?

Siegfried: Well, Marley's military is preparing for war as I've been seeing a lot of soldiers packing up their weapons. What about you, what did you learn, Eren?

Eren: There's going to be a celebration tonight and Willy Tybur is going to make an announcement.

Siegfried: It probably has something to do with what the military is doing, but whatever it is it's not going to be good for us. I'll send a letter to the scouts and tell them what's going on.

Eren: You told them what we were doing?!

Siegfried: Of course I did, they are our friends, and wait... You didn't tell them that we were here?

Eren: Of course not, Siegfried. This is our fight and it's time that we make those bastards pay for what they did to us.

Siegfried: Did you lose your brain cells when you decided to grow out your hair and make it longer? Eren, we're up against an entire military army that has several Titan Shifters fighting for them, we're going to need all of the help that we can get. Did you at least tell your wife what you were doing?

Eren looks away and doesn't say anything which causes Siegfried to sigh with disappointment. It was then that Eren told Siegfried that he'll be at the celebration while the latter will continue to monitor the military and learn everything about them.


The next day, Siegfried continued to talk to Falco and had gotten to know him more as the latter would visit him at the hospital from time to time. Siegfried also sent multiple letters to his friends and told them everything that was happening, to which they told him that they will be arriving at Marley soon. Later that day, the celebration started and while Eren hides amongst the crowd, Siegfried is shown waiting in the basement after Falco told him that he wants to introduce him to his vice-captain. After some time has passed, Siegfried heard footsteps coming down the stairs only for him to see Falco opening the door and he notices Reiner Braun walking behind him until he is shocked to see him.

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