Chapter 8

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The scene opens up with the Rogue Titan throwing another Titan to the ground which crushes two smaller Titans. Meanwhile, the cadets start preparing themselves to go and clear out the Titans in the supply room.

Armin: First, we use the lift to lower most of us from the center of the ceiling. If those seven Titans are "normals", a large number of people should be enough to draw them to the center of the room. Next, the people in the lift will fire at the seven Titans' faces simultaneously, thus robbing them of their faces.

The cadets continue to listen to Armin's plan.

Armin: And then, the next instant will decide everything. Seven people hiding near the ceiling will swoop down in time with the firing and slash the Titans' napes. In other words, everything rides on this one attack. All of our lives are at stake. Also, Siegfried, you'll be our backup if any of the seven people miss their target, you'll come in and finishes the job.

Siegfried: (nods his head) Simple and easy to remember.

Reiner: No problem.

Annie: The risks are the same no matter who does it. If one falls, everyone dies.

Armin: But, is my plan really our best option?

Siegfried: (pats Armin's shoulder) It's the only plan we got and besides you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Armin.

Mikasa: He's right. It'll be okay and have confidence in yourself. You have the ability to lead people to where they need to go, Armin. That ability has saved my life before, not to mention Eren's.

The cadets split into two teams; one group goes onto the lift while the second group waits on top of the ledges. As the first group sees the Titans coming towards them, they then fire their guns and blind the Titans letting the second group finish them off. However, both Connie and Sasha missed their targets.

Cadet: Shit! Connie and Sasha need backup!!!

Sasha: (sees the Titan coming towards her as she backs away slowly in fear) Umm... I'm really sorry... for stabbing you... in the back. (The Titan then lunges forward to grab her, but she gets out of the way) I'M SORRY!!!

Siegfried jumps down from the railing and kills the Titan that was going after Sasha, before backflipping onto the Titan that was after Connie and killing it. After killing the two Titans, Siegfried gets tackled to the ground by a crying Sasha.

Sasha: Siegfried, you saved my life!! Thank you so much!!

Siegfried: Are you hurt, Sasha!!

Sasha: No, thanks to you.

Siegfried: Then can you get off of me? Your knee hit something it shouldn't have.

Sasha: (realizes what he meant and gets off of him) I'm so sorry!!!

Siegfried: (groans in pain as he holds his balls) It's okay, I'm good. (Internally) Although, I can't say the same thing about my balls.

Siegfried gets up and the rest of the cadets come up to him.

Connie: Hey, thanks for helping me back there.

Siegfried: (smirks) No problem my friend.

The cadets then started to refuel their gas and blades, and then they made their way out onto the top of the building of HQ. They then see the Rogue Titan getting devoured by the other Titans.

Armin: Cannibalism? Can he not regenerate like the others?

Mikasa: I thought if we can somehow solve the mystery of that Titan, it becomes an opportunity to help us find a way out of this cycle, but...

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