Chapter 15

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Flashback (Twelve hours earlier)

The scene opens to the scouts preparing themselves to leave after hearing from both Sasha and Mike that Titans are coming towards them. After splitting up into four groups; to either go to the north, south, east, and west, while leaving Mike behind to handle the Titans. After killing five of the Titans he then lands on top of a building and spots four Titans remaining.

Mike (thinking): Four left. No, this is my chance I've bought plenty of time. All four teams should have made it far away by now. And now that means that I can regroup with them.

Mike then notices an Abnormal 17meter Titan in the distance, but this one is covered in fur and resembles a large gorilla. After calling for his horse to come to get him, the Beast Titan picks it up and throws the horse at him, which forces him to jump off of the roof and right into the jaws of Titan.

Mike: (screams in pain) Let go of me!

Beast Titan: Wait.

Everyone goes into complete silence with the Beast Titan kneeling down until the Titan starts biting Mike again.

Beast Titan: I just told you to wait! (Crushes the Titan's face which causes its eye to pop out and letting Mike go) What do you call that weapon? The one on your hips that allows you to fly.

Mike: That's impossible! There's more Titans that can speak!? No, you're a Titan Shifter like them.

Beast Titan: So, you know about us and that we reside in the napes of our Titans. However, what interests me is that you were not shocked that I could speak, but rather that you already knew a Titan Shifter that can communicate within their Titan form. Tell me, who is this Titan Shifter that you know that has this ability?

Mike doesn't answer and just glares at the Beast Titan.

Beast Titan: (sighs in disappointment) I guess that you're not going to answer my question. Have it your way I'll just take it with me. (Reaches his hand out and takes Mike's gear that holds the gas and blades; he then turns to the other Titans) You can move now.

Mike tries to escape, but he gets caught by the Titans and is eaten alive while the Beast Titan leaves the area.

Flashback Ends

A few hours later, Siegfried arrives and sees the skeletal remains of multiple Titans that are still being disintegrating.

Siegfried: How the fuck are there Titans inside of the walls?! The only logical choice would be that Wall Rose has been breached, but Bertolt and Reiner were already here so they couldn't have done it.

Siegfried then spots the remains of Mike Zacharias in the distance and when he goes to investigate it, he then picks up the scent of an unknown Titan that was here in the area.

Siegfried: This is bad, whoever this Titan was is very intelligent as it only took Mike's gear, but didn't kill him. Mike was killed after his gear was taken and that can only mean that there is another Titan Shifter here. (Removes the Scout symbol from Mike's jacket) I have to warn the others and luckily I can still pick up a trail that went in the north direction.

Siegfried transforms into his Titan form and runs in the north direction to find the scouts.


Meanwhile, Sasha is shown with the North Team until they split up with Sasha going back to her home village to find any survivors. As she makes her way back home she starts to remember a conversation she had with her father about the changes that are happening after the fall of Wall Maria.

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