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Shivanya was so emerged in her work that she didn't even notice that it is break time.
That's the plus she just loves her job! That's one thing she is attached to. Once she gets her hand on all these accounting stuffs she simply forgets everything around her. Which is why Teju likes to leave those responsibilities to Shivanya, trustingly.
There is only one week left for their new managing director, Mr. Ashwin Kumar to arrive which is on next Monday. So everyone were piled with quite lots of work to make sure everything is under control when he takes over. Sathya ma'am requested everyone to help him get used to HQ so each sector decided to prepare reports for him on all their projects so that it will be easy for him to analyse.
As this is Ashwin's comfort, Shivanya worked extra hard.

"Not for him, but for the sake Sathya ma'am. Right?" she asked herself

Suddenly her phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, she let out a deep breath, composed herself and attended it

"Hello? Daadi ma?"

"We are having krishna jayanthi celebrations at home this week Saturday. I want you to be here" Daadi ma said sternly.

(They are supposed to talk in Hindi but I changed it to English 😂😁)

"OK Daadi ma, I'll co-"
That's it Daadi ma hung up on her.

Shivanya shook her head on disbelief. That's when she noticed the time and decided to go for lunch. The entire floor was empty.
Just when she exited her cabin, she noticed someone familiar standing and staring at her with their arms crossed with an emotionless face.

It was her cousin Avantika Mishra, who worked in a different sector in  the same office. Avantika despised Shivanya to the core not just due to influence from her parents also because Shivanya managed to get her own scholarship, work in the most important Marketing and accounting sector at such a young age. (And is beautiful without even trying) . Avantika would do anything than to admit that this crazy, barely noticed girl is her cousin.

"Did Daadi ask you to come home this Saturday?" Avantika asked her.

"Haahn ," Shivanya nodded a yes.

"Did she tell you why?"

"Krishna Jayanthi"

"Ohhhh", Avantika dragged thinking about something leaving Shivanya clueless. Then she smirked at Shivanya and left the place.

Shivanya Mv
"Yennava irukkum? Yennava irundha yenna, namba ponnoma, oru edatha pudichoma, rasgulla saptoma, vandhoma nu irukkanum."


Shivanya is on her car driving to Ooty. Chitra ma packed her some snacks to eat on her way and Shakthi asked her to take it slow as she is driving alone. She reached there by evening 7 and the entrance of the house was decorated with a lots of garlands and lights. She was about enter with her bag when she was dragged by someone. It was Pravisht.

Pravisht was the only cousin who loved her for whom she was.He always stands for her as an elder brother. They were partners in crime.

"What took you so long?" Pravi asked

"Why, have they started?"

"No, but Daadi ma was expecting for you"

"haha, nice try" Shivanya said sarcastically

"Shivanya, did you know how much she had to argue with the elders to have you as part today?" Pravisht stated seriously

"part of what?"

"you don't know?"


"AVANTIKA'S GETTING ENGAGED!" Pravisht exclaimed

"REALLY?" Shivanya freaked out

"Yes, her mother didn't want you to be here for this because she thought that you might man-"

"Manipulate the grooms family, I know" Shivanya said with a duh tone. She is done with their shit.

"yeah right, but Daadi ma insisted that this kind of functions should have everyone, you should join because no one should be left out in family. Which is why you are here."

Now Shivanya understood why Avantika reacted that way the other day.

After their chat, they both went inside the house. Avoiding all the dead glares on Shivanya, Pravi led her to Daadi ma. She was in her room getting ready. Shivanya touched her feet for blessings, Daadi cupped her face and pecked on her forehead. She quickly let go and asked,

"Why are you late? , I expected you to be here by afternoon."

"Sorry Daadi ma, I didn't want to drive fast and exhaust myself. So I took it slow." Shivanya explained

"When are you leaving?".
" Tomorrow."

Daadi suddenly looked into her eyes and was about to say something. Deep down Shivanya wished that she would be asked to stay.

"Fine, go get ready"

That's all she got. Well did she expect.

Pravi led her to her room where a traditional attire were placed in the bed with some accessories. She glanced through the room and landed on her Bondita's picture hanging on the wall.

"Irrundhirukalamle?" she thought to herself as if questioning her mother.

The woman in the picture who looked no less different than Shivanya just bluntly smiled at her across the glass frame.

That's when Sujatha ma, Shivanya caretaker who works for the family and also took care of Shivanya ever since she was born entered the room with her daughter, Chinni. Suja ma is also the reason for how Shivanya can talk Tamil really fluently. She hugged her tight.

" You look tired ma, sikkiram fresh agitu vaa, I'll give you your favourite Rasgulla" suja ma said
"RASGULLA!!! " Both Shivanya and Chinni's eyes widened. They all giggled at that. After conveying how much they missed each other. Suja ma and Chinni left the room to let Shivanya get ready.

Sighing Shivanya went to get ready not knowing the storm that is awaiting her.

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