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Shivanya is sitting in a mountain hill, hugging her knees and crying her heart out.

After all those incidents, she quickly changed her dress,took her luggages and stormed out. Pravi ran behind her but was stopped by his mom, who didn't want to have any issues with their other relatives because of Shivanya. Before Pravisht could get out from her grasp, Shivanya was gone.

She has been crying here for more than 7 hours. This place used to be her favourite hang out place with her Military. They used to come here often on his bike to see the sunrise. It was filled with a lots of happy memories and laughter.
Now here she was at the same place, same spot but not as the innocent Shivanya who would laugh at her Military's dad jokes and listen to his war stories with starry eyes. Instead this was a rather broken and miserable Shivanya, her eyes were out of tears, lifeless and numb. Watching the sunrise.

That's when Pravi came and sat beside her. He tried talking to her but she was lost in her own world. After sitting there for a while they left to Chennai.Shivanya drove her car and Pravi followed her on his bike.
( Pravi lives in Chennai too, he is an advocate)

After almost 10 hours of travelling they reached Shivanya's apartment. After leaving her luggages in her room, Pravi left. She was silent all the way which worried him. He decided to call Shakthi. Pravi told him everything and asked him to check on her now and then. Shakthi called Pragi and told her everything on their way, they both went to 2nd floor by lift,to Shivanya's house.
( Pravi knows Shakthi & Pragi because hangout sometimes)

The door was wide open, her bags were on the bed. The bathroom door was wide open and they heard shower splashing... Shakthi asked Pragi to check. As she went in, she saw Shivanya sitting under the shower, hugging her knees and crying. Again.

Everyone is waiting to welcome their new managing director.
There he came swiftly,on his car, looking dapper as always in his lucky black suit .

Ashwin had his own taste about looks

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Ashwin had his own taste about looks. He has a whole collection of business suits to wear according to his mood for the day. Not to look good but feel good.

As he got down his car with his mother, everyone from their company were waiting to welcome him. He didn't expect them to be this nice, he had barely talked to them whenever he came there. He was surprised and overwhelmed indeed. He went forward and suddenly a group of girls raced towards him with flowers on their hands. Ashwin was clueless on how to react, he plastered a genuine smile and received those flowers shyly. One of them even tried to shake hand with him but he politely gave her a vanakkam and managed to mutter a thanks. Sathya ma was witnessing the whole scene trying not to laugh. Ashwin then saw a familiar face among everyone, Teju. He smiled at her as it would be impolite to not which earned Teju some teasings from her colleagues.

Ashwin didn't knew why they were reacting weirdly but shrugged off as it was none of his business. After introducing Ashwin to his employees, Sathya ma left. Kathiravan, Sathya ma's former PA and Ashwin's childhood best friend was appointed as Ashwin's PA as well. They kept it professional in front of the employees. Once they were alone in their cabin.
The boys bonded.
Break time

Ashwin Kumar, the new managing director of VS CONSTRUCTIONS AND ENTERPRISES, is wandering around his office as the floor's empty, for now.

The most important sector in their company is the Marketing and Accounting sector and this floor was attached with the MD's (Ashwin's) cabin. Since this sector had the most fewest people, everyone had their own cabin.

As Ashwin was strolling around without interfering anyone's personal space. One of the cabins caught his eye. He didn't knew why but he just felt like checking out. He could tell that the person was absent today as there were no handbag or personal belonging except work stuffs. With much curiosity, he went in before anyone sees him.

The place had a strange yet pleasing aura. The scent of that cabin or maybe the person, made him feel weirdly ........ good? He looked around and saw a calligraphy name art on the desk. It was so beautiful just like that name.


As he read it, his lips curved into a smile he didn't knew was there.

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