✗ Chapter 7: Dark Debate ✗

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"Again? Again!? Jesus, what is it with you and this goddamn school? I cannot keep coming down here like this." Michael's mom scolded the Principal sassily - obviously tired of being called to his office.

You and Michael were sat in the waiting room, neither of you saying a word as both of your mothers were in the office with the Principal. Your mother was sitting sternly and staying quiet, but you knew she'd be bubbling with anger. You never got in trouble - so of course she was irritated. Maybe she was mad at you as well...the very thought made you sigh. Michael - sensing your distress - entwined his hand with yours and squeezed it; clearly trying to cheer you up some way or another.

"I have to agree, I have much better things to be doing! Besides, what has (Y/n) even done that was so bad? She's a well-behaved kid!" Your mother chimed in as well - acting unbelievably offended.

"Look, Miss (L/n), I'm sure she is. And Miss Myers, I do not enjoy calling you down here every five minutes." Standing up, the Principal stood up and kept his hands on his desk - definitely annoyed.

"Really? It sure seems like you fucking do." Miss Myers stood up as well, her sharp tongue showing. Guess that's where Michael got his feisty attitude from.

"We're in a child-friendly environment, so please stop using such vulgar words!" Your mother snapped towards Miss Myers, but the other mother ignored her remark altogether.

"Can't you get control over your school, Principal?" She even taunted him a little, her blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders as she purposely pushed his buttons.

"Yes, I can get control. I can control my school." The Principal coldly responded.

"Can we get to the problem here? What happened between her son and my daughter? What did he do?" Your mother interrupted them both with irritation, folding her arms and flicking her hair back abruptly.

'Sorry about the blame game' you mouthed to Michael sorrowfully, knowing just how defensive and hotheaded your mother could be. He just shook his head, silently telling you that none of this was your fault.

"How dare you imply that this is Michael's fault! We don't even know what happened!" Miss Myers turned her attention to your mother, both of them triggered by the other.

"Michael and Wesley were fighting, along with his friends. I believe (Y/n) tried to defend Michael, but was unsuccessful." The Principal summed the situation up, looking serious.

"Wesley, again? For fucks sake, you know he picks on Michael! Can't you handle a bully? Honestly!" Miss Myers balled her fists up fiercely - angered by the name of the other boy.

"We're still looking into the bullying situation, Miss Myers—"

"Oh sure you are! This bullying started last year - how long does it take to look into something?!" She questioned sharply.

"I want to know why my daughter was caught in the middle of a fight in the first place! Surely there's some kind of protocol to prevent these types of situations!" Your mother added as she eventually stood up too.

"There is, Miss (L/n). What I want to know is why Wesley and Michael were fighting in the first place." The Principal pushed his glasses up and waited for an explanation, his beady eyes flickering from mother-to-mother.

"Fuck if I know - I'm too busy trying to raise three kids singlehandedly! Not to mention working a job and taking care of a drunk cripple!" Miss Myers snapped tiredly.

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