✗ Chapter 30: Family Fragments ✗

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Something else made you stand still however, your body stiffening up as you carefully recognised the sound. Heavy breathing. Spinning around, you slammed right into somebody's chest - the sudden collision sending you flying to the ground. Your head spun straight after hitting the heavy surface, a pained groan escaping your mouth whilst you attempted to gather your bearings and recollect your thoughts. W-What the Hell just happened...?

Gentle fingers danced across your arm, softly sliding down from your shoulder to your waist as someone suddenly touched you - this mysterious person seeming to be very interested in your body. W-Were they just some creep!? O-Or perhaps some kind of unstable stalker!? Once your dizzied head had cleared, you looked around coldly; but whoever had been enjoying your...company, had pretty much vacated the scene. It infuriated you. Who was fucking around!? Who was messing with you!? From the caressing at Alina's apartment, to the dead animal, to the intimate touches...What if...What if—

"Hey! You! Come back!" You called out fiercely, spotting a dark figure weaving between the trees; their navy-boiler suit making them blend in extremely well.

You tried your best to follow them - but all that happened was that you got tangled up in leaves, twigs and thorns. God dammit. Your stomach was rumbling, your throat was dry, and your body stung from the small scratches it had received whilst on its pursuit. You would have to go back home - back to the others - but whoever was stalking you would be sorry. A new thought clouded your mind, the sudden idea causing you to freeze entirely. What if...What if that was...Michael...? Michael Myers...?

That would explain the stalking, the weirdly affectionate touching, and the paranoid feeling you constantly had. Maybe the mutilated squirrel with your name written in blood wasn't a warning...what if it was some sort of twisted gift...? Perhaps in his broken mind you two were a family; some form of infatuated lovers. That kind of thinking didn't make you feel any better. You decided to go home and tell Dr. Loomis about this, at least 80% sure you were correct. Because if it wasn't Michael, then who could be creepily watching you like this? With a pounding heart you rushed back to your apartment, noticing that - not only Dr. Loomis and the police officers hadn't left, but they'd also cleaned your front porch for you.

"Oh (Y/n), you're back!" Alina bursted out in alarm, flinging her arms around you and hugging you from her side of the building's hallway tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again. You understand me!?"

"Sorry, Ali...I just...I just ran into someone." You vaguely responded, wrapping your arms around her in return and trying to calm down while you faced everyone.

"Ran into someone? Who?" She frowned in confusion, a sigh slipping through your lips due to you knowing she'd ask.

"Why, only an old friend." You dryly commented; an amused smile spread across your face as you broke the hug and entered your apartment's living room.

"I take it that this "old friend" is none other than Michael Myers...?" Dr. Loomis remarked after welcoming you back - his tone uncertain and uneasy. 

"Mmhm...And considering he's already shown himself, I'm pretty sure he's not trying to hurt me. Or Laurie." You informed Ali and Dr. Loomis gently, sitting down on the sofa while you slowly relaxed.

"So you're continuing with said plan...?" Ali unhappily responded, sitting down next to you and hugging her arms.

"The plan was to stick together and Skype on Halloween. He might attack you two if I don't follow through with said plan tomorrow." You spoke in a stern fashion, narrowing your eyes and dipping your head as a nod.

His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader {NEW Rewrite (2022)}Where stories live. Discover now