Chapter 1

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Aphmau's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes as the warm light from the sun woke me up. Ugh, I feel so tired. I slowly got up and my stomach pained me for a while. After a few minutes, the pain stopped and I walked to the room door to go downstairs. When I went downstairs I was greeted by the aroma of pancakes, which were being cooked by Zoey. Lilith was also there sitting on one of the chairs at the table drumming on the wooden surface.

"Oh, hey Aphmau.", Zoey said turning from the stove with two plates of pancakes.

"Morning Zoey. Morning Lilith.", I smiled at both of them and went over to give Lilith a kiss.

"Mommy!", Lilith cooed.

"That's probably her first word!", Zoey beamed at placed the plates on the table.

"Yep!", I smiled then let out a small groan.

"Are you okay Aphmau?", Zoey asked me.

"Yeah, probably just gas.", I said then sat down on the chair beside Lilith.

"Okay then. I guess you just need food. But do you have any plans today", she asked me, "I mean..., I know you most likely do but..."

"Yeah..., I do. First thing after breakfast I'm going to go see Cadenza, then I'm going to go to the Divine Hall, or the prison to get answers.", I told her.

"Oh okay. So I guess I'll be looking after Lilith today!", she said and tickled the baby.

"Yes please.", I told her and she nodded.

After breakfast I went to Laurance's house and knocked on the door which was opened by Cadenza.

"Oh hey Aphmau...", she greeted me with a small smile. I could tell she was sad but happy to see me.

"Morning Cadenza. I just came to check up on you and Laurance.", I told her.

"Oh, well Laurance is still upstairs, probably sleeping..., and probably still not remembering me...", she mumbled looking up at the staircase.

"Don't worry Cadenza I'm going to make sure that no matter what Laurance gets his memory back!", I told her with determination.

"Thanks Aphmau. But, I know Laurance is probably going to be upset at me but..., I need to speak with Vincent and the other guards to tell them I'm going to be here for a while, but I don't want to leave Laurance alone so-"

"If you want you could probably ask Zoey. I'm sure she would more than okay with watching him.", I told her.

"Thanks Aphmau. I'll see you later.", she said then closed the door.

I turned around and began to make my way to the prison. I was about halfway there since it wasn't that far when I saw Katelyn on her way there also.

"Hi Katelyn!", I said running up to her.

When I finally got there I was exhausted. Hmm... odd I don't usually get tired so easily. Not to mention I didn't even use my Irene form or powers.

"Hi Aphmau. I was just about to head in and question Gene.", she said.

"Same.", I told her then we both walked in and saw that Garroth was already there leaning against the wall in front of Gene's cell.

"Morning Garroth.", Katelyn said.

"Good morning Lady Katelyn and Lady Aphmau.", Garroth said.

"Garroth you know you don't-", Katelyn cut herself off when Garroth glanced at me.

The feeling I had yesterday crept back up on me when he did. He was still upset about the hole Aaron thing. I wasn't sure what I felt guilty about, whether it was just springing it on to him like that or because I think he's upset he didn't even get a chance... I'm not sure.

"So, have you already questioned him?", Katelyn asked.

"No. Not yet. I was waiting on you two.", he answered looking towards Gene.

"Okay.", I said then walked up to Gene's cell.

"Gene.", I said in a serious tone.

He was lying on the bench that was in there and had his eyes closed. After I called his name he slowly opened his eyes and looked annoyed to see me.

"Well isn't it Irene. When I finally was able to sleep on this 'bed', you came to wake me up.", he said rudely.

"Well you wouldn't be on that 'bed' if you hadn't tried to kill us.", Katelyn told him.

"Gene you know exactly why we're here.", Garroth spoke up, "How do we get Laurance's memory back?"

Gene smirked, "Irene-"

"Aphmau.", I cut him off and he rolled his eyes.

"Aphmau, do you know that when he gets his memory back he's going to be upset at you, right?", he asked still smirking.

"Yes, I do. Just tell us how to get it back.", I told him.

He let out a small laugh, "You're the all-knowing Irene, go figure it out."

"Grr, why you little-"

"Katelyn.", I cut her off, "He's obviously not going to tell us now. Let's just go to..., the place and try get answers."

"The place? Oh right! Of course. C'mon Garroth.", Katelyn said catching on to what I'm saying. It probably wouldn't be the best thing to tell Gene about the Divine hall so I had to think up something quickly.

We walked out the prison and into the square.

"So next stop the Divine Hall?", Garroth said.

"Yep. Right now I really wish that Sasha were here. She was a lot more cooperative.", Katelyn said.

"Yes, but she would never give a straight answer.", I told her as we began to make our way to the hall.

"Yeah. I don't feel comfortable with Michi still out there though.", Katelyn said, "Last thing we need are for those werewolves to find us."

We finally got to the Divine Hall and placed our hands on the pedestals' symbols. We were engulfed in a bright light then found ourselves in the Divine dimension.

"Irene?! Esmund?! Menphia!?", I called out.

Irene's figure appeared from the void then she walked towards us.

"Hello Aphmau, Garroth and Katelyn.", she smiled as she greeted us.

I fiddled with my fingers as I began thinking of how to describe what we need.

"Irene, Laurance-"

"Lost his memory and you three want to know how to get it back?", she told us guessing my question.

"Yes.", I said.

She put her hand on her chin as if she were thinking then mumbled to herself, "Ugh, Shad. Why do you have to do this?"

"I'm so sorry you three, but as I said before Shad's realm is a bit different from the ones we created. But we'll see what we can do. Oh! And speaking of Shad.", she said and pulled out an amulet from her pocket.

"That thing won't kill us or do any crazy things will it?", Katelyn asked cautiously.

"No, unless you mean keeping Shad prisoner then yes.", she told us.

"So Shad's in there?", Garroth asked and she nodded.

"Keep this safe.", Irene said handing it over to me carefully.

"We will.", I said then the bell chimed.

"Oh and you three should still continue searching for the remaining relics!", Irene told us before we disappeared into the void completely.

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