Chapter 2

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Laurance's POV:

I woke up and got out of bed slowly. I had a massive headache that only went away after I sat back down. I looked around the room I was in and then I remembered last night how I had met Aphmau, Garroth and Cadenza. I got back out of bed and made my way to the stairs. I was just around the corner to get then when I heard talking. It sounded like Cadenza and Aphmau. I crept around the corner and hid out of there sight still at the top of the stairs.

"Don't worry Cadenza I'm going to make sure that no matter what Laurance gets his memory back!", I heard Aphmau say.

"Thanks Aphmau. But, I know Laurance is probably going to be upset at me but..., I need to speak with Vincent and the other guards to tell them I'm going to be here for a while, but I don't want to leave Laurance alone so-"

"If you want you could probably ask Zoey. I'm sure she would more than okay with watching him.", Aphmau told Cadenza.

Wait, do they really think I need a babysitter? I'm not a little boy that needs to be watched so he doesn't get hurt or do something stupid.

"Thanks Aphmau. I'll see you later.", Cadenza said then I heard the door close.

I back tracked to my room just so that she doesn't think I was ease dropping, even though I was. After about one minute I came back out of the room and went downstairs.

"Morning Laurance!", Cadenza smiled when she saw me.

"Morning.", I told her.

"Umm, I have some things I need to do so I asked my friend if you could stay with her for a while.", Cadenza told me.

I really wanted to tell her that I would be just fine on my own but I could tell she just wants the best for me so I just said, "Okay then."

She made breakfast pancakes and I watched her. I felt like I knew how to do the things she was doing. Like how long to have the batter on the stove and the ingredients. After we ate she went upstairs to get dressed. She went into a separate room to do so. I went into my room and put on brown boots, black pants, a white shirt, and a dark blue jacket. It felt familiar in some way, I just couldn't place it. I came out the room and saw Cadenza in a metal armour like outfit. Honestly, it reminded me of a trash can.

"Don't you dare say it Laurance. I know what you're thinking.", she said with a small laugh.

"I wasn't going to say anything.", I told her holding up my hands in mocking surrender.

We walked out the house and went to another one. Cadenza knocked on the door while I put my hands in my pockets. The door was opened by a woman with pointed ears, blue eyes, and very light blonde hair with a band in it. That's probably Zoey.

"Hi Cadenza!", she smiled and hugged my sister.

"Hi Zoey!", Cadenza said hugging back.

"C'mon in!", Zoey said and let us both in.

Zoey and Cadenza went downstairs to talk and I was left with a baby with blonde hair and huge blue eyes. She crawled off the chair and made her way to me. When she was halfway there she stood up and tried walking towards me. Just as she was almost there she nearly fell over but I caught her just before she hit the ground.

"Woah, woah. I gotcha.", I said and picked her up.

She began playing with my hair and poking me in my face. I let out a small laugh then put her back down. Soon after I hear footsteps coming from the basement and Cadenza came up.

"Cya later Laurance!", she said and hugged me. Then she left through the front door.

"Hey Laurance can you bring Lilith down here for me!?", Zoey called out from downstairs.

"Sure!", I answered then picked the baby up.

"So that's your name.", I said gently to the child and went downstairs.

Went I got down there Zoey was in a room that had something like a play pen.

"Thanks a lot!", she smiled then took Lilith from me and placed her on a table.

And before I could even walk away a loud noise came from Lilith and an obnoxious smell entered the air.

Zoey laughed, "You should probably go upstairs. It's about to get messy here."

I nodded making it not be visible that I was holding my breath and went back upstairs. When I got up the last step I took a huge breath of air and walked into the kitchen. I looked out the kitchen window and I think I saw a woman with white hair and another with purple and... cat ears? What? They were hiding behind a bush along the pathway. I felt something, familiar? I don't know how to describe it, it just felt dark I guess. I looked away from them for one second to see if Zoey was coming up the stairs then when I looked back they were gone.

"What?", I mumbled.

I rubbed my eyes then looked back to the spot I saw them. Maybe it was just my imagination. I went back downstairs and I'm guessing Zoey was done with whatever she was doing because Lilith was on the floor playing with a stuffed bear and the room smelt a lot better.

"Sorry about that. I had to take care of this little girl.", Zoey said smiling at the child. Then her smile changed to a slight frown as she asked, "You don't remember me either do you?"

I shook my head 'no' and she sighed.

"I'm going to get this baby some food. You can do whatever you want.", she said then went upstairs.

I turned to the baby, "So, what do you want to do?"

She held up the bear and said, "Pway! Pway!"

I laughed and sat down beside her. She climbed into my lap and I blew up my mouth and she clapped her hands together against my cheeks.

"Again! Again!", she laughed. Wow, she knows a lot of words.

I did it over and over again until she got bored of it, which wasn't for a long while! I became distracted when I felt the same feeling when I saw the two girls. It just came out of nowhere and it wasn't as strong as feelings before but still just faintly recognisable. I snapped out of it when I felt someone gently hitting me.

"Laurance pway! Pway!", Lilith cooed.

I sighed. Even the baby knows who I am yet I don't. What she said felt familiar as well. I shook out the thought and went back to playing with her.

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