Chapter 30

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Katelyn's POV:

My back rested against Travis' as we stood up facing the surrounding remaining werewolves. Apart from battle cries and the sound of werewolves howling in pain the only distinct sound was Travis and my panting. We finally took out the last one that had tried to attack us together then I looked around to see who was left as I wiped the blood from my brow. Travis pointed to the last werewolf who was just running with his comrade. It was Fenrir and the red-haired guy from before.

Travis and I began to chase after passing the others who had either just finished of their last one or were tying them up. Of course the werewolves were faster than us in our human forms but we were faster when we were in our other forms. Travis went into his demon and I went into my divine form to catch up to them. When we did we pinned them to the ground.

"Tsk. Tsk. What would Abby think about this Fenrir?", I scolded him.

He rolled his eyes and the two finally gave up trying to squirm away from us. We dragged them to the others and tied them up, then threw them into the circle of other werewolves.

"That's all of them.", I told Garroth, rubbing my hands together to get rid of the dried blood.

Travis and I went back into our normal forms as we made sure the ropes were tight enough. He nodded and then turned to Levin and Malachi, who from what I saw, they were pretty decent fighters with swords.

"You two okay?", Garroth asked.

"Could be better, but were okay.", Levin replied.

"Well since we got this cleared up let's bring them to the prisons then hurry up and find Aph.", Dante suggested.

"Yeah. She's probably fretting so much right now.", Lucinda said.

Since their wasn't enough room in both prisons we had split up them up even though it wasn't that may survivors. Some would stay in Phoenix Drop's jail while the other were in the Alliance's. We walked to the Alliance Islands cell and noticed that Gene was gone and that there were unconscious guards on the floor. At least Garte was still here and safe. Whoever freed Gene must not have had the time to deal with the lord.

"Crap!", Travis and I said at the same time.

"Let's just hurry and put these guys in so we can go make sure everyone is okay and if we can still find him.", Garroth said pushing Fenrir and the other guy in the cells.

We sent off people with injuries, like Levin and Malachi and other guards, to the barn to see Donna. So that just left Nicole, Dante, Garroth, Travis and I since Vincent, Cloud and Zack were going to check around for Cadenza and the others stayed at Phoenix Drop. We went around the forest and found no one except we did stumble upon a Nether Portal and an altar.

"We should head back to make sure the others are okay. Cadenza might be with them.", Nicole suggested.

We all agreed and made our way to Kiki's new barn.

Aphmau's POV:

I was staring at the door with Lilith sleeping in my arms. I was anxiously waiting for Laurance and the others to comeback. Then suddenly the door burst open and Cadenza and Laurance came in, but he was holding something or it looked like someone. I carefully handed Lilith to Zoey then ran up to my friends.

"Are you two okay and- Is she okay?!", I asked when I saw Lyla looking dangerously ill.

"No. I kind of stabbed her.", Laurance said.

"Kind of?!", Cadenza asked, "Either way she needs help."

I nodded and told Laurance to bring Lyla over to one of the cots I asked Kiki and Donna to set up yesterday for the injured. He laid her on the bed carefully being sure not to cause her any more pain.

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