Chapter 20

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Laurance's POV:

I caught up to Lyla and we were now at the hot spring she was talking about. She went a head off me while I looked around the area. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. I found it weird that I did that when I had absolutely no recollection of this area. My thoughts were cut off when I heard Lyla call my name.

I turned around and saw her in only her only in a bathing suit that looked amazing on her. I didn't even know where she got it from but it looked amazing on her. I felt my face heat up a bit but shook off the feeling as I tried to make sure it wasn't obvious I was staring at her.

"Are you coming or what?", she asked then backed up a bit from the edge then ran jumping into the water.

I shook my head smiling. I took off my shirt and my shoes then jumped into the water with her. The water wasn't that deep so we both came up after a few seconds. She smiled at me and climbed up to the edge off the springs sitting on it. I followed her and sat beside her.

"So~ I have a question.", Lyla said laying down on her back.

"Yeah, what is it?", I asked looking at her.

"When you said I was pretty... did you mean it?", she asked.

"Of course I did. Why would I be lying?", I asked her. I didn't understand why she would doubt what I had told her earlier.

She shrugged then began looking up at the sky again. I looked up too and saw that it had white clouds of every shape and size.

"Do you ever miss O'Khasis?", I asked her.

"What? No, I said it was a terrible place when it was ruled by Garte. My parents said it was even worse when Zane was here... But I've been moving around, so it's just best not to get used to a place for too long.", she said now sitting up.

I stayed silent for a while then asked, "Does that mean you aren't going to be at Phoenix drop for much longer?"

"Maybe..., I-I have family in another town that I might go to visit. But I'm not planning on leaving until I help you get your memory back.", she said giving me a small smile.

He smiled back then realised something, "We should probably be heading back. Zoey and Aph might be back at the house by now.", I told her.

"Oh yeah! You're right.", she said starting to get up as I was walking over to get my shirt.

"Our clothes will probably be dry by the time we get there.", I said looking over to her while putting on my jacket and shirt, "Shall we get going m'lady?"

She scoffed at how I addressed her but soon nodded. We began walking in the direction back to the housing schemes with her usual clothes now on and me walking beside her.

Aphmau's POV:

"Mark, or Martina.", Zoey suggested.

We were still thinking of names for the baby. We had a couple in mind but none seemed perfect according to the girls. We eventually gave up and Cadenza now had a worried expression probably from seeing how long Laurance and Lyla had been out.

"They aren't back yet...", she mumbled.

"I'm sure they're perfectly fine.", I told her and just as I did I heard the door open.

I handed Lilith to Zoey and went to see who it was. When I got to the entrance and saw Laurance and Lyla still standing outside talking to each other in hushed whispers.

"There you guys are.", I said breaking into their conversation, "Where were you guys?"

I looked down at their clothes and saw the bottom of Laurance's pants were wet and so were Lyla's. Some parts of off their shirts were wet because of the water dripping from their hair.

"We..., decided to go on a small walk while we waited for you guys to come back.", Lyla said holding her hands behind her back.

"Okay... but why are you two wet?", I asked seeing as how the question in my mind had not been answered.

"There you two are!", a voice behind me exclaimed before they could answer my question.

I turned around and saw Cadenza rush past and hug Laurance tightly.

"Hey Cadenza.", Laurance said slowly patting her on the back awkwardly.

Cadenza let go and smiled at her little brother then realised his clothes were wet. She looked between him and Lyla and gave them both questioning looks.

"We just had a little swim.", I heard Laurance tell her.

"Okay then. Anyway..., I guess I'll be going now. I have to go see if Vincent or Zack sent a message recently.", Cadenza said walking behind the two.

I glanced over at Laurance who looked a bit annoyed when she mentioned Vincent but when he caught sight that I saw him he immediately changed his expression.

After Cadenza left Laurance and Lyla came inside and stood up in the living room. Zoey said that she was going to put Lilith to sleep upstairs and I said that I was going to get one of her stuff toys from downstairs and then we left the two alone so that Lyla and Laurance could focus.

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