Chapter 18

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Cadenza's POV:

The week was now over and half of the next one had already passed. I heard news that Sasha was now on our side, Emmalyn was kidnapped and that Zane was the perpetrator. We're still looking for clues to find them. Sasha and Laurance 'met' and unfortunately she can't help him. She was only able to tell us about a special medicine like liquid that could reverse the effects of certain magiks but she didn't know how to make it or where to get any. Lyla has been helping Laurance to get his memory back but to no vail.

Right now I was downstairs reading a book at the table. It was about Shadow Knights and the Nether. I was hoping that there might be something that could help me with Laurance. Aphmau had told me before that Laurance had a book on the subject a while back but it could only be read by Shadow Knights and some people apparently. I was at the last page scanning through it. Nothing. I closed the book and pushed back the chair then got up.

"Might as well go get ready for the day.", I told myself.

I went open stairs and saw that Laurance was still asleep. I walked to the mirror and brushed my hair. I looked at my reflection and saw that Laurance was actually awake. He was still laying down but he was staring up at the celling.

I turned around and smiled, "Morning Laurance!"

He nodded but didn't say anything. For the entire week he seemed so distracted and a bit... distant I guess you could say.

"Are you okay?", I asked him.

"Yeah, just..., really tired.", he mumbled sitting up in bed now, the sheets still covering his legs.

"Huh? You went to bed long before me last night...", I trailed off.

"I'm fine Cadenza.", he told me standing up. He picked up his clothes from off and chair and went to the other room to change.

"You're not fine Laurance... and I'm going to find out what it is.", I mumbled to myself.

Laurance's POV: (one hour later)

After having breakfast and changing my clothes Cadenza suggested that I should see Lyla again at Aphmau's place to see if I could possibly remember something this time. I was all for going to Aphmau's. I actually had a great time there with Lilith when Zoey or Aphmau needed help and spending time with Aph was okay, it just felt a bit awkward guess you could say since I began to felt a ton of guilt for some reason unknown to me. I was also pretty okay with spending time with Lyla. She seemed pretty cool. The only problem was that I didn't want to go to try and remember more stuff. I think I was better off not remembering.

When Cadenza asked how I was this morning I lied saying I was ok. I relived another memory last night. This has been happening for a while since the first one and I've relived three so far. Last night's memory was just very tense for me, I guess you could say.

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded at my sister then made my way to Aphmau's house. I passed the guy with white hair and green eyes- I think Travis- and another person who I remember as Brendan building the base of a house. Half of the base was very decent, which was the part the Brendan was working on. The other half was super dinky and Travis was working on it.

Who am I to judge anyway? I probably wouldn't do any better. I got to Aphmau's house and knocked on the door. When I did I found that it was actually unlocked.

"Hello!?", I called out.

No answer. I walked inside and looked around the entrance area. Once I saw no one was here I walked further into the house.

"Aph?!", I called out again just to make sure. Still nothing.

I was about to walk back to the exit when I heard a door downstairs. close. I turned back around and went to the stairs to get down there. I went down the steps not at all sure if it was Aphmau or Zoey or someone else. When I got down the stairs I saw Lyla coming out of one of the rooms.

"Lyla?", I questioned then she turned around and jumped.

"L-Laurance!? What are you doing here?", she asked regaining her composer.

"I should be asking you the same.", I told her.

"I was looking to see if Aph or Zoey were down here. Zoey said she had wanted me to help distract Aphmau from everything going on. But I guess they aren't here, probably on a morning walk.", she explained, "Now, why are you here?"

"I came to see you actually.", I told her.

She snorted, "Can't get enough of me can you?"

"W-what?! Not like that.", I said, "Cadenza said that we should try again to regain my memory."

"Okay then. One question though. You haven't remembered anything at all?", she asked.

I rubbed the back off my head nervously and said, "Nope."

She sighed then said determinedly, "Let's try again, but then why don't we just hang out and try to get to know each other better."

I raised an eyebrow then she face palmed and said, "I forgot, what I meant was just have some fun."

"Sure, what type of fun though?", I asked.

She smirked and said, "You'll see."

She put her right hand on my shoulder then instantly retracted it while wincing. I looked at her with a concerned look. I looked at her right hand and saw a small burn on it. It didn't look like something that would still be hurting for such a long time though.

"Are you okay?", I asked her.

"OF CO- I mean, y-yeah. Just a small burn...", she mumbled.

I put my hands in my pocket then told her, "I think your idea of just hanging out was pretty good. It will take your mind off the pain for a while."

"Fine, so I guess we're getting to the fun part now.", she cooed putting her hands behind her back.

"But first I want to know a little bit about you.", I said giving a small smile.

"What? But I don't even know anything about you to begin with.", she said folding her arms and pouting.

I smirked, "Yeah you do. But is it so wrong to want to get to know a beautiful lady like you?"

I laughed a bit, "Seriously, is that your best attempt at flirting with me? Fine, we'll talk, but I don't want Aph to think we broke in."

I smiled and let her walk up the stairs first then I followed. I walked out the house closing the door behind us then went to the side of the building and began to talk. She was leaning against a tree and I leaned against the house wall adjacent to it.

"So, I guess you want me to start off. I was from O'Khasis before it was taken over by Tu'la. But don't pity me. O'Khasis was a terrible place to begin with.", she said looking away from me and into the forest behind the house.

"Yeah...", I mumbled remembering something from one of my memories.

"What?", she asked looking up at me curiously.

"Nothing.", I told her but that only brought up her suspicions on me.

"Laurance.", she said sternly folding her arms, "So said you didn't remember anything."

"And I didn't.", I lied again trying not to make eye contact with her.

She glared even harder at me then her expression softened, "Oh, I guess I understand why you didn't tell anyone. Was it really that bad?"

I nodded and sighed, "Please, don't tell Cadenza or anyone.... I don't need them to be worrying about me right now."

"I-I won't if you don't want me to..., but you know it's not healthy to keep in those emotions. If you need I'm here to talk about it.", she told me.

She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I flinched slightly at her sudden actions but soon returned the hug.

She looked up at me as we broke the hug then asked, "Do you promise?"

"Yeah. Now what was that fun thing you wanted to do?", I asked giving her a goofy grin.

She gave a cheeky smile and turned to face the woods then pointed at it, "There is a hot springs I saw the other day on a walk. We could go up there and chill if you like."

"Sure-", I began up then she began to run off into the woods leaving me behind.

"Seriously!?", I called out and started running after her.

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