Chapter 3

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Aphmau's POV:

We left the Divine Hall and made our way made to camp. On our way there I got the feeling that we were being watched. Then I heard a branch snap. I looked at Garroth and Katelyn and the shook there heads telling me silently that it wasn't them. Katelyn put her hand up to her mouth signaling us to be quite and crept to a nearby bush.

"It wasn't my fault!", I heard a familiar voice whisper shout. It was way too familiar.

Katelyn reached into the bush and pulled out two people. Two people we didn't think we would see again for a long time. Katelyn pulled out Sasha and Michi. She pulled Michi out so hard she fell on the ground while Sasha stood up face palming.

Sasha's POV:

Michi and I were walking through the forest almost close to where Old Meteli was. Yes, I remember telling Laurance we were going to Tu'la but that requires a boat. So now we are walking through the forest looking for a place to get a boat and some provisions without being recognised. She was randomly talking at random times about boys and what not. I wasn't all paying attention. Whenever she asked for my opinion I would take notice of it and just say stuff like 'yeah', 'whatever' and, 'whatever you say'. Other than that I was completely uninterested about her conversations until I was caught off guard by one of her questions.

"Hey, wasn't Meteli your home or something?", Michi asked. It was a question that I resented and never wished to speak about.

"No. I lost my home when I was betrayed.", I said coldly.

We continued walking when I got this strange feeling. I felt a chill go down my spine and a small headache. I crouched down and put my hand on the ground from support.

"Are you okay?", Michi asked, some concern in her voice.

I stood up and nodded slowly.

"I'm okay, but someone else probably isn't.", I told her still looking down at the ground.

"What does that mean?"

"Shad is here at the overworld.", I said.

"W-what?! I'm not ready to go yet!", she panicked looking in random directions and at some point the sky.

"No. He lost the fight, but... I can still feel him slightly.", I said looking up, "We should head back."

"Why?! We just got out of that jail cell!", she exclaimed.

"Something just feels different, and I want to find out what it is.", I told her then began to walk off.

"Fine! I'm coming wait for me!", she said then began to follow.

I ran through the forest pushing through the brush try to get back to the Phoenix Alliance Island, if that's what they called it. Michi was following tiredly behind me. We finally got to the gates of Phoenix Drop. We snuck up to the portal being careful not to be seen. We passed through the portal and crept through the camp. We stopped behind a bush when I felt the presence of more Shadow Knights than there should be. If Laurance if gone there should only be one, Vylad. But I'm feeling, one, two..., four in total. Even though I wanted to know who the other two were I felt an even darker presence nearby.

"That way.", I said pointing out of the camp.

We crept through the forest until we got close enough to the source. When I got closer it felt very similar to the Shadow Lord's own. I peeped out of the bushes and saw Lady Aphmau, Sir Garroth and Lady Katelyn. Why was the presence coming from them? I began to back up slowly from them when I saw Aphmau stop moving and Michi followed suit but of course she stepped on a twig!

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