Chapter 10

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Aphmau's POV:

I ran to the back of the house searching for whoever was out here. I scanned the area and managed to see a dark figure run into the forest.

"Clearly not a friend.", I mumbled to myself then began to chase it.

"Aphmau!", I heard Zoey calling out but I still ignored her.

I chased it deeper into the forest until I lost track of it. I crouched down with my hands on my knees panting.

"It's okay. They won't be able to access the amulet anyway.", I told myself.

I've been talking to myself a lot recently. I stood back up and was about to make my way back when I saw someone appear behind me. I turned around surprised at who I saw.

"A-Aaron!?", I questioned, "No! It's not you! You're just one of those stupid Imps again!"

"Aphmau, it's me.", he said.

"W-what? I-it's you!? H-how?! You- Shad-he's", I said stumbling over my words.

He came closer until we were at hands reach. He caressed his hand along my cheek and I didn't react. I just stood there frozen not knowing what to think. T-this couldn't be him, even if I wanted him too...

"Aphmau I'm never going to leave you again I promise.", he said hugging me and I hugged back after breaking out of my shock with some tears running down my cheek.

But the hug didn't last long because someone interrupted. All of a sudden Aaron let out a grunt and fell on the ground holding his stomach.

"Aaron!?", I panicked.

In his back was a dagger which I quickly removed. I then looked up and saw Laurance standing there with Zoey a little while off.

"Aph are you okay!?", Laurance questioned.

I was speechless. He just stabbed Aaron...

"W-what was that for?!", I asked him trying my best not to snap at him.

He pointed wordlessly to where Aaron was and that's when I saw that he had a knife in his hand. Then he shifted into one of those stupid Imps! I took the dagger that I had in my hand and stabbed him causing him to die faster and become a puff of smoke. I fell to the ground and began to cry in my hands.

"Aphmau are you....", Zoey trailed off and I knew she saw what happened.

Laurance crouched down to my level and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry...", I told him quietly.

"He meant a lot to you, didn't he?", he asked me.

I nodded slowly. I was so ashamed that I didn't take keener attention to my surroundings. That could have costed my life and my unborn child's own.

"Aph..., we should get you back.", Zoey said.

I nodded and Laurance helped me up. Zoey went up front leading the way back and Laurance and I walked at the back. We were all silent for a while until I broke the silence.

"Laurance, why did you come after me?", I asked.

He took a while to answer but then just shrugged and said, "I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to see you hurt."

We went in silence again until he spoke again, "Just don't run of like that again, please."

"I'll try.", I said with a small smile.

We got back to the house and Lyla was inside looking very worried. When she turned around and saw us she looked relieved.

"Oh there you guys are. I came back a few minutes ago but the door was open and I only saw Lilith upstairs.", she told us.

"That's right Lilith!", I exclaimed running up the stairs to check on my child.

I saw her still sleeping peacefully on the bed so I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I went back downstairs and saw that Laurance was no longer here.

"Cadenza just came.", Zoey told me and I nodded.

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help for your friend.", Lyla apologized.

"It's okay.", I said then sighed and mumbled, "I guess Irene was right."

"Huh? Anyway, it's getting late. Bye.", Lyla said then walked out the house.

I sat down on a dining room chair with my face in my hands.

"Zoey, I did something really stupid today.", I told her.

"It's okay Aph. You were just..., distracted.", she said.

"No. I should have paid more attention and known that it wasn't him...", I trailed off.

"Just be more careful next time. Just be thankful Laurance was there.", Zoey told me sitting on a chair next to me.

"Aren't we going to question why he even had a dagger?", I asked looking up at her.

"He took one from the kitchen drawer just in case.", Zoey said pointing to the wooden cabinets.

"Oh..." I should really keep those somewhere else.

"It's getting late. Night Aphmau.", Zoey told me then went downstairs to the guest room.

I did the same and went to my room upstairs. I laid down in bed thinking. Yeah, what I did was very stupid... But, how did the imp sound just like Aaron? Hopefully, that was the figure we saw out the window. If not I'm not sure what will happen next.

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