Chapter 28

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Aphmau's POV:

I stood at the doorway of my house holding Lilith, anxiously waiting for the others to come back. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Zoey.

"Ready, Aphmau?", Zoey asked me.

I looked back out the door and sighed, "I have to be. Is everything ready?"

She nodded and held up Shad's Fragment. She then put it pack in a small bag on her back and made sure it was secure.

"Okay then.", I said, "Let's go."

We walked through Phoenix Drop and to the new barn we had built for Kiki and her animals. Lyla, Kawaii~chan Leona, Kiki, Brandan, his wife, Nekoette, Dmitri, Donna, Logan, their children, the refugees and Castor and his chickens, they all were here. We walked in and went over to Kiki.

"Thanks for letting us use the barn Kiki.", I tanks her.

"Not a problem. Anything for you, Aphmau. Now I just wish those two would stop fighting.", Kiki said looking over to her daughter and Yip.

I laughed at the two bickering. I then realised that I had no idea who I thought was cuter, Yip and Alexis or Yip and Leona. I went over to a chair and sat on it with Lilith. Soon after Donna came over.

"Hey Aphmau.", she greeted.

"Hi Donna.", I smiled at her, "Are you okay?"

"Yep. I just hope everyone out there is okay.", she said looking towards the door.

"I know they're going to be fine. I just wish there were another way to end this.", I told her.

"Same. But things just don't work that way I guess. Welp, I'm going to go over to Logan and keep an eye on the kids. I'll see you around, Aphmau.", she said waving good-bye as she walked off to the other side of the barn.

I looked down at Lilith and began to tickle her with a stray chicken feather I found blowing around in the wind. I looked up from my adorable baby and saw someone leave through the barn door. Perfect. Now just be careful Laurance.

Laurance's POV:

I hid behind a bush beside one of the houses in front of Aphmau's. I waited patiently for the person I was expecting while also wishing I could be with the others fending of the werewolves. Afterall, it was kind of my fault Fenrir was so upset. I turned my attention from my thoughts of the battle and turning it back to Aphmau's house. I hated having to think about the things that I had did to her and the rest of my friends so focusing on the task on hand would probably help. Good thing I did too because just then I saw a figure in a dark cloak ran into the house.

I smirking to myself and crept towards the house. I carefully opened back the door so that it didn't creak when I did. I lightly when down the stairs to the basement and saw that the door to Zoey's room was open. I walked in front of it and pointed my sword at the person that was in there.

"Stop. Or else.", I threatened.

The person had just removed the amulet from the barriered case, furthering my suspicions on who I thought it could be. They turned around and gave me a low muffled laugh since their mouth was covered by a mask.

"I see that you're going with Zane's style. How fitting for someone like you.", I mocked them.

"Don't you ever compare me to that premature.", the person growled at me.

"As far as I know, he's more of a Shadow Knight than you are.", I taunted her.

"This coming from a premature.", the person said.

The person then drew out their sword. His, a Shadow Knight one while I used my signature emerald one.

"Put that amulet down now.", I demanded.

"Make me.", they said stuffing the object in his pocket. Then they lounged at me which I of course blocked quickly.

The sound of our swords hitting against each other echoed through the room and during our hassle we knocked some things over. The person eventually kicked me in the stomach and ran up the stairs on out of the house. I fell on the ground then quickly got up since I knew where he should be going next.

I followed him past the guard station only glancing to make sure that Zane hadn't gotten there to free Gene yet. But unfortunately I didn't see any black hair through the cell windows. I only hoped that he was just laying down or sitting. I followed the masked thief through the forest then when he began to slow down I started to creep behind him and some trees. The person stopped moving and I saw them in front of a nether portal and in front of that portal I saw an altar with Cadenza laying there on it unconscious.

The person took a dagger out of their pocket and I already knew what they were going to do and I wouldn't let them do it. I step out of my hiding place quickly and began to slash at the person from behind. Unfortunately, they turned around in time and block my attack with their sword.

Their sudden movement when turning around made their hood come off and I saw who was under the mask. Just as I had expected...


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