Chapter 17

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Emmalyn's POV:

"Gah!", I exclaimed as I fell against the hard surface of the floor. The jagged floor left a small cut on my right knee that began to bleed. My glasses had fallen of and I was patting the floor looking for it as the cut stung me from kneeling. When I finally did I stood up and turned to face my kidnapper.

"You! You're supposed to be dead!", I shouted at him.

Zane Ro'meave. The person that caused my friends and I to miss fifteen years of our lives in Phoenix Drop. The very reason why Aphmau has to be bearing being a single mom with a one-year-old and an unborn child. He has caused so much pain in our lives that it didn't seem fair that Aphmau had to live without one of the best people in her life but she had to live with Zane in this already tainted world. It was hard to see how he was related to Garroth and Vylad. Those two were the complete opposite from him.

"Well I'm not. And you, Little Emmy, are going to help me with something.", Zane said and I could tell he was smiling from the rise of his mask.

"And if I don't? Aph and the others will find me!", I told him confidently.

"Well then, I guess instead of having an anniversary next year we'll have a funeral.", he threatened me, "Besides, that witch's' spell probably has worn off by now. They won't find you here."

I took a step back from him, cut was now stinging me even more now as I moved. My foot bumped into something and I saw all the books that were stolen from us. I had only just realised that they were in the cave.

"Now I'm just going to ask a small question first.", he said pointing to a rock signalling me to sit down.

I did as I was commanded and waited for the question. I was shaking terribly but I tried to cover it up by sitting up straight.

"What is the amulet that Aphmau has for?", he asked.

"W-what amulet?", I shuttered.

He came up to me and slapped me square in the face leaving a stinging sensation. My eyes became misty as I tried to suck up the pain and play it off. I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

"Don't. Play. Dumb.", he growled out, "I'll ask again. What is the amulet for? I know you know about it."

"I'll never tell you! She trusted me with her secret and I don't intend to break it!", I said standing up ignoring all pain in my knee.

He furrowed his brows the pushed me back down to the ground. I winced at the pain that went through out my body. I looked back up and Zane and saw that he made his Shadow Knight sword form in his hands. I scooted way from him until I hit the wall. I came to toward me and held the sword tight in his grip.

"You will tell me now. OR. ELSE.", he said his voice becoming a darker and lower tone.

"I-it's t-t-the a-amulet t-that's h-h-holding S-Shad c-captive.", I stammered quickly not wanting to feel any more pain then I already was in.

I cursed myself for telling him this. Just the other second ago I was saying that I would never tell him the secret of the amulet.

He let out a low laugh then turned away from me walking a short distance. His sword didn't disappear though. He turned back around and slashed the sword at me. I moved out the way more it made any major harm to me making it only cut my left cheek.

"What the hell!? You said you wouldn't hurt me!", I shouted at him still on the ground. I put my hand to the cut the put it back in front of me. I was surprised but the amount of blood what saw on my fingertips. I put my hand back over the cut to stop the bleeding then looked up at Zane furious that he did this to me but at the same time frightened that he may do the same thing again.

"Nuh uh, I said I wouldn't kill you. You took too long to answer. Next time I ask you to give me an answer you better answer quicker. Now, get to work.", he said pointing towards the pile of books.

I limped over to the books timidly and began to read, scared to face Zane's wrath again. I cringed at the fact that my bloody hands were messing up the books pages as I tried not to cry from the pain. Could he not just have read the books himself? But it's either he's too stupid to or too lazy.

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