Chapter 14

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Katelyn's POV:

We were at Aphmau's house waiting for her to come back so I was stuck with Travis flirting with me for half the time. I put a stop to it of course. I spotted Emmalyn from out the window and went out to see what she was up to.

"Oh hey Katelyn. I'm just heading back to the temple to gather the remains of the notes.", she told me after I asked.

"Okay, but don't you think Kenmur or someone should come with you?", I asked.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll be in and out pretty quickly. Cya.", she said walking off.

I walked back inside with a twisted gut feeling. I shook it off since it was probably and hopefully nothing. Aphmau came at last and Garroth asked what Castor wanted to talk to her about. She responded to saying it was private. We nodded and told Aph that we should probably get going since it was getting late and Garroth and I had patrol. We left to house and I began to do my rounds making sure everyone was safe while trying to keep an eye out for the criminal.

It was now almost midnight and my shift would end in another three hours. I was now close to the dock when I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw Kenmur running towards me franticly. I was only able to tell it was him from the moonlight that brightened the area. Wait..., where's Emmalyn?!

"Katelyn!", he exclaimed panting as he got to me. Words began to stumble out of his mouth and I couldn't quite catch them at the speed.

"Breathe, ok Kenmur? Breathe. Now tell me what's wrong.", I told him desperately hoping that Emmalyn was safe.

"Emmalyn's gone!", he shouted not loud enough for everyone one in their houses to hear.

"What!? Ugh! I knew I should have gone with her!", I said stomping my foot. I should have listened to my gut!

"Kenmur are you sure she didn't just go home and you didn't notice her?", I asked franticly.

He gave me a 'did you really just ask that' look then said, "She said that she was going to the temple and went I came back to the house she wasn't there. So I went the temple and she wasn't there either."

I ran my hand through my hair thinking. I need to find Garroth and tell him about this and also get Travis. I don't think I should get Aphmau, she has a child and the stress isn't good for her.

"What are we going to do?!", Kenmur asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I need you to get Travis and Lucinda then meet me back here.", I told him.

He nodded then ran off. I turned around and began to run off to find Garroth. I found him and explained everything.

"We need to tell Aphmau.", he said.

"But Garroth-"

"No buts. She's our lord and anything that happens has to be brought up to her. Even if she weren't the lord she would still be worried about Emmalyn.", he told me.

"Fine. But only to tell her what's happening. She isn't coming.", I said and he nodded.

We ran off to Aphmau's house and knocked on the door which was answered by Zoey.

"Huh?", she questioned yawning.

"Zoey we need to speak to Aphmau.", Garroth said.

She narrowed her eyes at us until Garroth continued saying, "It's very important."

"Fine.", she said sighing then walked into the house and the patter of footsteps could be heard going up them.

Aphmau came downstairs looking tired as well.

"What's going on?", she asked sleepily.

"Emmalyn has gone missing.", I told her.

"What?!", she whisper shouted. At that moment, all tiredness that could have been seen was replaced by worry. She turned around then ran back upstairs.

She came back down in her normal attire and then said, "Let's go then!"

"See, this is what I didn't want happening.", I told Garroth.

"I'm not going back to bed no matter what Katelyn.", Aphmau said determinedly.

"Fine but as soon as you start to have cramps you're coming straight back.", I told her.

Aphmau nodded showing that she understood then we ran off to go back to the docks. We met up with the others then we all went to the temple. We searched the room looking for anything that could help us. I could tell Kenmur was very worried about Emmalyn. I know how it feels, to lose someone you deeply care about, except for him Emmalyn is most likely still alive. Hopefully.

"There!", Aphmau exclaimed pointed to an open book.

We went over to here and saw wild scribbles of words. I scanned the page looking for what Aphmau saw in that mess. If you were to ask me it looked like a toddler had drawn on it with one of the inked quills.

"Where?", Travis asked looking on the same page as me.

"Here.", Aphmau said putting her finger on the page.

I looked where she was touching ad saw his name. Zane.

"Emmalyn probably did this to warn us.", Lucinda said then looked away as if thinking.

"That prick is still alive?!", Aphmau fumed clutching her hands in tight fists.

"Unfortunately yes. Lucinda do you-"

"Yes I do.", Lucinda said cutting Garroth off, "There is a spell I can use to find her. Hopefully, this didn't happen too long ago."

Lucinda pulled out her staff then closed her eyes and chanted a few words. When she was done a bright light came from her staff and beamed on the ground revealing a pair of cyan blue footprints and another of dark red footprints leading out the room.

"The blue footprints are Emmalyn's and the red are Zane's.", Lucinda explained.

"Great job Lucinda! Now C'mon!", Aphmau said running out the room followed by everyone.

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