Chapter 16

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Garroth's POV:

After walking Aphmau home I made my way to the prison where they others were supposed to be. I pushed open the door and went inside. I saw Katelyn and Kenmur standing in front of the cell while Travis and Lucinda hung out at the back of the room listening to the conversation. I walked up to the cell had heard what Katelyn was saying.

"We just want to ask you a few questions about a friend.", Katelyn said.

"I already told you, I don't know anything about how to help Laurance.", Sasha said folding her arms.

"Well you're coming anyway.", Katelyn said walking into the cell and pulling Sasha out.

Kenmur and Katelyn walked out the building and just as I was about to walk out I saw Gene glaring at Sasha. She saw this and turned her head a way instantly. Travis and Lucinda followed us to the outside back to the beach and in was now time to start our investigation.

"I'm not going to talk no matter what you guys do.", Sasha spat trying to get out of Katelyn hold.

"Please Sasha, we just want to find one of our friends. We don't want anything else.", Kenmur pleaded.

"That isn't any of my concern.", Sasha said coldly glaring at Kenmur.

Kenmur hung his head then looked back up at us, "Can I have some time alone with her?"

Katelyn was about to protest when I cut in saying, "Sure. Call us when you are ready."

Katelyn let Sasha go with her hands still cuffed behind her. We walked off waiting a little way off from the two.

Sasha's POV:

"If you think I'm going to pity you just because we used to be engaged you are wrong.", I told Kenmur coldly.

I wasn't going to betray the Shadow Lord for anything. The Shadow Knights have been a lot more loyal than Kenmur and the others could ever be. But..., I did feel bad for Laurance, he did after all help Michi and I out of prison.

"That's not what I was going to say. I just wanted to try change your mind. Please Sasha, I don't want anything to happen to Emmalyn.", he told me.

I could see the fear in his eyes for his wife... Why didn't he have the same feeling for me when he left me to die!?

"If you're still upset about us leaving we didn't do that. That was just Gene trying to make you join his side. You know that he does that and we would never leave you behind.", he said standing his ground.

His words stung like a bee as the realisation came to me. I parted my mouth a little bit wanting to say something but no words came from my mouth. I knew that Gene used his Magiks to erase new Shadow Knights memory and alter them. That would mean everything I knew was a lie. He lied to me! Why didn't I think of that sooner?!

"I..., I...", I stammered still not knowing what to say.

"I know the Sasha that I fell in love with is still there and she can still help us find Emmalyn.", he said resting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he wasn't lying. The words he said just sounded so genuine. I felt so ashamed. I just let Gene use me like, like..., LIKE ONE OF HIS LITTLE PAWNS! You know what? I will help them and I can't wait to slap Gene so hard for lying to me.

"Okay, I'll help you. But Zane's probably long gone from Phoenix Drop by now since he used the darkness of the night to help him.", I told him.

"Thank you so much Sasha.", he said hugging me tightly.

I let out a small laugh, "You know I would love to give you a hug but my hands are occupied at the moment."

"Oh right. Garroth!", Kenmur called for the guard and told him that I would help them.

Sir. Garroth realised my cuffs and I began to rub my wrists because they were numb from being in the same position.

"It's nice to have you on our team.", he said smiling warmly.

I nodded and began to tell them what I knew.

"Gene was really secretive with his plans and only told certain Shadow Knights about it.", I began, "And since I wasn't there for most of the time they were planning it I was only able to get that information when I was with Gene in the cell."

"Like?", the orange haired woman, I think her name was Lucinda, urged me to go on.

"Before the attack, Gene had set up a backup plan consisting of two people. One of them, as you know, is Zane.", I told them.

"Who would have thought Zane would be taking orders.", Katelyn scoffed.

"He doesn't really have a choice. He made a deal with Shad that if he brought him back, he would give him information. If he doesn't do as Shad or Gene says then it's back to Limbo for him.", I explained.

"Do you know who the other person was?", the guy with white hair, Travis, asked me.

I shook my head 'no', "They didn't tell anyone who was chosen, apart from the people who were charge of the plan while they were gone. I doubt even Zane knows."

"So our theory about someone being a spy is still on the table.", Kenmur said.


"Can't you or Vylad just sense them or something?", Garroth asked.

Geez, so many questions. Why not just write a book for them and I'll answer them all in a day or so?

"No. If Vylad or whoever the other Shadow Knight that was here a few days ago, couldn't sense them then I won't either.", I told them, "Speaking of that, how's Vylad?"

"He's been fine. He's been on a scouting trip in Tu'la after you and Michi came back.", Katelyn said, "And the other Shadow Knight was Vincent."

"Okay. As I was saying, apparently those two people were supposed to scout out info or what not are either here or in a town close enough to hop back and forth getting information."

"Like Bright Port, New Meteli or Phoenix Drop..., well that makes it a lot harder since we've had a ton of new people come here recently.", Lucinda mumbled.

"Thank you so much Sasha for your help. You can go to Phoenix drop or stay here if you wish.", Garroth offered. I guessed I could drop the 'Sir.' Since we were now acquaintances.

I nodded and Kenmur offered to show me to an open house in on the Alliance Island.

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