Chapter 7

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Aphmau's POV:

When I opened my eyes we were in the Divine dimension. I looked over at Travis and he was in awe at the sight. And he was right to do so, even though the void was a plain white it seemed to glow in a way. Everywhere was white with no end and no one and nothing was in sight.

"So...?", Travis said.

"So, all we do now we wait for them.", I told him.

After about a minute Irene came out.

"Hello again.", she smiled, "Nice to meet you Travis."

Katelyn glared at Travis and elbowed him as if it were a signal for he not to screw up anything. But I don't really think there would be a way for Travis to disrespect Irene, unless..., he were to flirt with her.

"Gah!", he whispered reacting to the pain, then he spoke up looking wearily at Katelyn, "Nice to meet you too."

She nodded and told us to follow her. We did as she asked and she lead us to the building from before. It seemed that the closer we got from where we had started the more the outline of the house began to take shape. And soon the entire thing came into view. Then she told us that Esmund, Menphia and Enki would be here soon and then told me to follow her. I nodded and followed behind her into the garden at the back.

We sat down on the grass and she began to speak, "So Aphmau, why are you here?"

"I have a question to ask, about Tu'la.", I told her.

"Ask away."

"When Tu'la came they demanded the relic we had for Shad and said that you gave them. Did you really and..., why?", I asked.

"Yes I did, well I gave them part of Shad's relic.", she told me.

"What?", I questioned.

"When we banished Shad we divided his relic into three parts. Menphia hid one part in the Ru'uan Region, and I hid one in Tu'la. The last Kul'zak hid somewhere unknown to me. I gave the relic to a warlock I knew I could trust. But I guess time took its toll and he passed away. That's probably how they got it. And Shad probably had the one Menphia hid. That's why he was able to stay in the overworld for so long.", she explained.

"Oh, okay.", I said then my stomach began to pain me again. I let out a groan and put my hand on it closing my eyes as I did.

"Aphmau are you okay?", Irene asked.

I looked up at her and I was about to say 'yes' but then I felt myself falling backwards. The last thing I saw was Irene rushing over to help me before I blacked out.

~*~*~*~*~Time skip three hours later back at Aphmau's house~*~*~*~*~

I woke up in a lot of pain. I sat up and saw Garroth sitting on a chair in the corner and Katelyn, Travis, Cadenza, Dante, Levin, Malachi, Isabell, Lucinda, and Zoey standing at the door. I looked to my other side and saw someone standing over me.

"Huh!?", I shouted while sitting up, startled at their sudden appearance.

"Oh you're wake! Great!", I heard Lyla's voice say.

I looked back at the person who was beside me and I realised it was Lyla herself. She wasn't wearing her cloak anymore so she just had on her clothes from before. I relaxed and nodded my head.

"Yeah, I am.", I told her now noticing I was in my bedroom, "How did I...?"

"After you fainted we brought you here. We told Travis to go get Levin and Malachi and Lyla insisted that she came as well.", Katelyn told me.

"Aphmau are you sure you're okay?", Zoey asked me.

"Yeah, well, I was okay.", I said.

I was very confused about why I had fainted in the first place. I looked out the window while still being on my bed and saw that the sun was already setting. Was I really out for that long? My train of thought broke when Lyla had begun to speak.

"Aphmau..., did do any, activities recently?", Lyla asked me.

"What?", I questioned.

"With someone else, like a dude, in private?", she asked.

I felt my face heat up and I began looking at my bed spread and fiddling with it. "Y-yeah, about three or four months ago."

"Well then it's obvious.", she said stepping a bit away from the bed side.

"What's obvious?", Cadenza asked taking her eyes of me to Lyla.

"She pregnant!", Lyla smiled.

"WHAT!?", everyone in the room exclaimed.

"When did I become pregnant?!", I asked confused as how it happened. Last time I checked I was free of anything growing inside of me.

"I don't know. That's you're private information.", Lyla said breaking eye contact with me.

"She doesn't even look pregnant.", Garroth said.

Travis covered his mouth trying not to laugh at what Garroth said, "So~ you were looking at her figure?"

Garroth's face became red, "N-Not what I meant!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Who's the father?!", Levin asked.

"Aaron.", I said quietly.

What, I thought... Oh! Garroth probably only told Dante! That's why they didn't know.

"Oh, umm, you probably want some rest.", Cadenza said putting her hands behind her back and pressing her lips in a thin line.

"No I'm fine!", I protested.

"Aphmau, you can't be running up and down like that. You're carrying a baby.", Zoey told me.

"Fine.", I mumbled.

"Great. We're going to head out now. And don't worry everything is under control.", Katelyn said.

I nodded and one by one they left until my two sons, Zoey and Lyla were left.

"Remember mom, nothing extreme.", Malachi said.

"I won't, I promise.", I said then the boys left.

"Aph, I was thinking that since you wanted me to... do the thing, Lyla could watch over Lilith or help you with some things maybe until I'm done.", Zoey suggested.

The thing? Oh right! The pendant! I wanted her to put a protective barrier around it.

"That would be great, since Isabell has the other children watching.", I told her, "Would you Lyla?"

"Sure!", she answered.

"Oh, and do you remember that question I wanted to ask yesterday?", I asked.


"When you say you work with psychology does that involve memory and stuff?", I asked.

"Yes, it does.", Lyla said.

"Could I ask of another favour? My friend lost his memory and I wanted to know if you could help.", I said.

"No problem! I can start tomorrow!", Lyla smiled.

"Thanks.", I beamed then the two left as I laid back down.

I put my hand on my belly and mumbled, "Don't worry, I promised Aaron I would take care of Lilith and I'll take care of you too little one."

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