Chapter 11

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Zane's POV:

I ran into the forest panting and hiding behind a tree. I was spotted and now Aphmau was probably hot on my trail.

"I have to find a distraction.", I thought.

I looked over at a bush and saw an imp eating some berries. I decided that was good enough to a crept over to him and told him what to do.

"And why should I help you?", he asked sassily.

I drew out my sword and pinned him to the wall, while holding the sword to his neck.

"You will do it if you value your life.", I growled at him.

His eyes filled with fear as I said that. Oh how I missed doing this. I let him go and gave him a potion saying that it will allow him to sound like whoever he morphs into. He walked off in his new form and I smirked to myself.

"Idiot.", I mumbled. Aphmau or one of her guards would surely kill him either way.

I followed far behind wanting to watch the scene about to unfold. Just as I expected the imp died, but Aphmau wasn't the person I had expected to have killed it. The first time the imp was stabbed it was by Laurance. I thought that he had lost his memory! Grr...., Aphmau might have been dead if it weren't for him. This is going to be a bit more complicated but at least it looks like he still doesn't have his memories. The second time Aphmau stabbed the imp when it had revealed itself. They walked off with some other girl and I was now by myself in the forest.

I came out of my hiding spot and sat on the ground against the tree trunk.

"At least they think it was an Imp spying on them.", I sighed to myself.

I was lucky that they turned back. I let out a low groan.

"How did I even end up here?"

~*~*~*~*~*~Flashback to almost a week ago~*~*~*~*~*~

I was in my red nether bricked 'room' getting ready for my trip. The only reason I agreed to this was so I could get out of this dump. I looked back at the paper given to me. It had the mission on it and people I might encounter.

"You are to go to the over world and get information on Irene and her group. Try to hinder there plans by any means necessary. (Preferable method- break them down) You will get help from a fellow Shadow Knight, but you will not meet them in person for long. You will only communicate by means of a communication amulet. Report to us at least every two months. Remember, DON'T TRY TO RUN, WE WILL FIND YOU."

I shook my head and put the amulet in my bag. Instead of leading others into chaos I was following them. I finished packing then went to the nether portal where I saw the Shadow Knight that gave me the slip of paper and another that hid their face.

"You both know your part to play. Now go.", the Shadow Knight told us.

The mysterious person went in first. Just as I was about to step through the Shadow Knight held my arm firmly.


"I know, don't run, you'll find me.", I mumbled, annoyed I had to be following his orders.

"Good. Now get your butt through that portal.", he said and pushed me in roughly.

When I got through I was on the floor at the Bright Port Portal in the werewolf tribe. Well, what was left of it. The village was completely destroyed. I looked around for the other person but they were already gone. I changed into my human form putting on a dark cloak to hide my appearance then began to make my way to Phoenix Drop.

~*~*~*~*~*~End of Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~

I got up and began to make my way back to my make-shift camp which was set up in a cave. I took out a book and began to write what I had learnt.

"Hmmm..., I still don't know the importance of that amulet... So much for that 'help'.", I mumbled to myself.

I wrote down where I could possibly get more information and what I saw to today.

"Places I can get information:

- The girl with glasses and blonde hair

- That temple on the island

- Imps

There's an amulet Aphmau is keeping in her house under a protective barrier. Not sure of its purpose yet but I can feel a dark presence from it. The amulet is only accessible by the elf, Aphmau, Katelyn, Garroth and a guy named Travis."

I reviewed this to myself then I felt the amulet in my pocket vibrating. I took it out and pressed the dark red gem to answer it.

"Yes?", I asked in an irritated tone.

"It's me.", said a muffled voice, "Have you found anything?"

I rolled my eyes, "I found out something. Not sure of the importance yet thought."

"Okay. I'll talk again to you soon.", they said about to hang up.

"Wait!", I called out.

"What?", they asked sounding very annoyed.

"What have you been doing all this time?", I asked.

"I've been doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Now you little premature better keep to your own business or else the outcome for you won't be pretty.", they threatened then hung up.

I glared at amulet then put it back in my pocket. I looked out the cave then walked back out. It was night now. I had an advantage to go creep around without been seen by anyone. And that's exactly what I did, using the night as my cover.

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