Chapter 27

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Laurance's POV:

I got out of bed having a huge headache. I looked out the window and saw it was finally morning. I looked beside me on the bed and my heart fell when I remembered that Cadenza was still missing. But soon that frown turned upside down when I realised that part of my plan was working. I had officially gotten most of my memories back now. Well, at least enough to help me defend myself. And I would need them if the plan was to work. I put on my clothes and went downstairs and walked to the corner where I last saw the emerald sword. I picked it up by the handle and got a sheath and put it around me then put the sword in it. Now all I had to do was wait.

Katelyn's POV:

We all got up early that morning and went straight to the gates off Phoenix Drop. Everyone was there, The guards of Phoenix Drop, Nicole and some of her guards, Lord John and some of his guards and Vincent, Zack and Cloud and some other guards from Meteli. The only persons that weren't here were Aphmau, Laurance and the people who couldn't fight like the children and some other people. They stayed at the Alliance Island with Zoey and some others. Aphmau just told me the plan this morning and I really hoped that it works. Garroth, Travis and I didn't see the point in going into our forms unless we needed to so we stayed as we were.

We all stood there in fighting stances waiting for the werewolves to get here. Finally they had arrived. Many of them were in there werewolf form while about five to ten were in their form when they just have the ears and tail. Infront of them all stood Fenrir, and a red-haired male one. They were the first one I deidentified first.

"Fenrir leave now and we won't have any trouble!", I shouted at him.

"You don't tell me what to do! I'm here for Aphmau hand her over now!", Fenrir ordered.

"As far as I know she didn't do anything to you and if it weren't for her you would be dead!", Garroth shouted, holding the sword handle tightly.

"Enough of this chatter. If you won't give me what I want then fine.", Fenrir answered back and lifted up his sword towards us as a signal that his troops should go forward and that's exactly what they did.

They came charging in and we each had our own group of werewolves to battle. As I was dodging a paw swipe attack I spotted Vylad up in the tress sniping the enemy with his bow and arrow. I turned back to the werewolf I was fighting and slashed at them with my own claws. I turned back around to go pick out another one to fight when I was met with one of them. I jumped back. Just as they were about to swipe at me when I was caught off guard, it fell face down and I saw an arrow sticking through its chest.

I looked back and Vylad and smiled nodding at him and he did the same. Then I ran back into the fight. After kicking some of their butts, I saw that Travis wasn't watching his behind while he was fighting and a werewolf was about to slash at him. I ran over and stabbed the creature in the chest and turned back around to see that Travis had killed the one he had been fighting.

"Thanks.", he said.

"Don't mention it.", I responded.

All of a sudden other werewolves came to attack us. Travis and I nodded to each other and stood our ground slaughtering or disarming each one that came near us while watching each other's back.

Garroth's POV:

As the battle went on I was with Sasha fighting off some of the werewolves that tried to get further into the town. Neither of us were in our forms. Made sense for her since she had said that she didn't want to risk losing control. When I turned around I saw that Sasha had just saved me from being mauled.

"Thanks.", I told her while still focusing on the ongoing fight.

"No problem. But I would think that you would be more aware.", she said sassily, facing me.

I turned around and stabbed one of the human werewolves and had snuck behind her.

"And I should say the same for you.", I told her.

She rolled her eyes and we both went back to fighting. After a while I caught sight of Fenrir. He was with Dante fighting and of course Dante was winning. Unfortunately, another werewolf with red hair and come up behind Dante. I ran over and stood beside Dante with both our weapons in hand.

"Hey Garroth.", Dante greeted still keeping his eyes on the attacking king.

"Hey. Thought you could use some help.", I told him as I blocked an attack from the red-head.

"Says the guy that I beat while fighting another guard.", Dante responded.

"If you two are done with your little chat, I'll like to get this done as soon as possible.", Fenrir said interrupting us.

Dante and I looked and each other and nodded. Then we ran towards our opposers attacking and defending.

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