Chapter 24

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Garroth's POV:

I was in my room sharpening my sword when the room door was knocked.

"Come in.", I said still focusing on my weapon.

The door creaked opened and Katelyn stood at the entrance. I looked away from my sword and put it in my sheath as I stood up.

"Hello, Katelyn. What brings you here?", I asked her.

"Garroth, Nicole just sent a bird saying that her guards spotted an army of werewolves coming in our direction.", she told me.

"And...?", I said as a cue for her to go on.

"I'm worried that it might be the same werewolves from the forced wedding. Aphmau and Laurance are in no condition to fight if that time comes.", she explained.

"You're right. Did you-"

"Tell Levin and Malachi? Yes I did.", she said answering my question, "I also told Dante."

"Did you tell Aphmau?", I asked her.

"No... She's bearing a child and shouldn't be stressed.", Katelyn told me.

"And what would happen if she wakes up one morning and finds half of Phoenix Drop destroyed. How will we explain that and how would she take it then?", I asked her.

"Fine. I'm guessing that after we tell her she's going to want us all to meet up. I'll tell the others to meet at the old guard station at Phoenix Drop.", she said then walked out of the room.

I sighed and looked out the bedroom window, "When one problem disappears another appears."

I walked out the room and out the house after saying good morning to my mother then made my way to Aphmau's house. I knocked on her door an awaited an answer. The door was opened by Zoey.

"Garroth. Please tell me this isn't lord related.", she said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry. Can I please speak to Aphmau?", I asked.

"Fine...", she said letting me come in.

"She's upstairs.", she told me then I went up the staircase to Aphmau's room.

When I got up there the room door was open so I peeped inside the room. She was in there sitting on the bed playing with Lilith.

"Oh hey, Garroth. Please don't tell me. Another problem?", she asked her smile turning into a frown.

"Yeah... Werewolves.", I told her.

"Ugh! Seriously...", she muttered under her breath the spoke up, "Fine. Let's get going."

She stood up taking Lilith in one hand and grabbing my other hand causing me to blush a bit. Even if I know her heart belongs to someone else's I still have this feeling. She's now more than ever just a friend, but that won't mean I will stop caring for her. Aphmau lead us down the stairs and handed Lilith to Zoey.

"You know I should just give up on trying to make you not be stressed.", Zoey complained.

"I know and I'm so sorry. I'll try to do better. C'mon Garroth.", Aphmau said then lead me out the house.

We made our way to the old guard station and entered to see Levin, Malachi, Dante, Lucinda, Travis, Cadenza, her guard, Cloud, Vylad and Sasha.

"So..., how did they find out where we were?", Aphmau asked the first question.

"The spy.", Sasha said simply.

"How do you know?", Lucinda asked.

"It's either the spy or Zane. They'll use it as a distraction to get to either then pendant or the fragment.", she explained.

"And free Gene.", Vylad added on.

"Aphmau are the things still hidden?", I asked her.

"Yes. The fragment is well hidden but the amulet isn't although Zoey put a barrier around it.", Aphmau told us.

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone but maybe and hopefully it was nothing. My focus went back to the meeting when Travis spoke.

"So that just leaves Gene to be taken care of.", he said.

"Yes, but if the spy is able to disable the barrier magiks...", Sasha started.

"They can get the amulet.", Dante finished.

"So we need to make sure that Gene is under watch, and that I move the amulet.", Aphmau said.

We all nodded then Cadenza said, "I'll send for some of the guards at New Meteli to come help."

"Thank you so much Cadenza.", Aphmau smiled at her.

"I'll also see if lord John and Nicole and help.", Katelyn said.

"Great. Then this meeting is adjourned.", Aph declared and we all began to file out of the building.

I was about to walk off when Aphmau grabbed my arm. I turned back to her awaiting for why she stopped me.

"We need to find out who this spy is. They could be using anything we say around them against us.", she told me.

"We're still working on that. We have some suspects. We have..., a few days until the werewolves get here. Don't worry."

"Yeah, we have about two days Garroth. Sorry, I'm just really worried about Emmalyn.", she said quietly.

"As I said, don't worry. We'll find her.", I told her smiling.

She laughed a bit, "Thanks."

"No problem.", I said then we began to make our way back to her house.

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