Chapter 4

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Aphmau's POV:

I left the house with Lilith in hand and Zoey right beside me. We were on our way to the portal to Phoenix Drop when I saw Mikai helping Travis and Brendan with some of the houses.

"Zoey, you go ahead, I'll catch up with you at the portal.", I said handing her Lilith.

I ran up to greet the men waving fondly at them.

"Hello Lady Aphmau. I heard about the fight the other day and I wish I could have done something to help.", Mikai said.

"No, it's my fault. We were in such a rush I forgot to make sure you and your group were okay and to inform you of what was happening.", I told him.

"It's okay. But it seems like you have another friend coming to talk to you.", he pointed behind me.

I turning around and saw Dante slowly walking towards me with his head hanging down. My mind instantly began to rush with ideas as to what was wrong. I turned back to the groups before I left.

"Thank you. Bye guys!", I called out then ran towards Dante.

When I stopped in front of him he looked up and looked somewhat surprised to see me.

"A-Aphmau!", Dante began, "I was looking for you."

I was about to ask him why but he started talking, "I'm really, really, really, sorry for my actions the other day. I should have known better than to meddle in your business like that. I don't know what you two did behind the scenes to have become so close but, if he was able to make you happy then he must have been a good man."

It took a while to take recognition of what he was talking about until I remembered what happened a few days back. I wasn't at all upset at him but Dante took my silence as something else and began to look awkwardly away from me. When I noticed this I gave him a warm smile to reassure him that everything was okay.

"It's okay Dante, you were just looking out for your friend.", I told him, "But I still feel terrible about just rushing into it like that. Laurance and Garroth basically found out when we were under the pressure from Shad and Tu'la."

Dante looked back at me looking relieved that I said that but since I remembered how Garroth looked after I told him the new my smile turned into a small frown.

"As you said, they were probably just stressed from everything happening and didn't know how to react to the news. I'm sure that Garroth will get over it soon. Oh and..., how's Laurance?", Dante asked.

I looked back at him and the same expression as mine was on his face.

"..., He's okay, I guess by whatever okay means to you. Sasha and Gene aren't talking.", I told him looking down.

"I forgot Gene was here...", Dante mumbled, "Don't worry, I'll see to it that those two talk."

And with that he walked off. I watched him leave then after a while I remembered Zoey and Lilith. I ran to where the portal was and that's where I saw Zoey waiting for me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting.", I told her when I came near.

"Not a problem. I got a few extra minutes with Lilith.", she smiled.

We were about to step through when I saw Garroth coming up to the portal.

"Good Morning Garroth.", Zoey and I said at the same time.

"Morning ladies.", he said looking at the both of us.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him.

"I thought I would see if I could help with any of the damage to Phoenix Drop.", Garroth said.

We both nodded then the three of us went through the portal. Luckily, Isabell wasn't too far from the portal and I asked her to watch Lilith for a while and she agreed. Then Zoey went off to find Levin and Malachi. Now it was just me and Garroth. We walked through the village checking up on everyone and taking note of where we needed to repair. The gated wall was our biggest issue.

We were on our way back from the gate when Garroth stopped behind me. I turned around and saw him looking back at the wall.

"Garroth?", I questioned.

"Hmm? Oh sorry, I was just thinking.", he told me then looked down.

"What were you thinking about?", I asked him.

"I...I'm sorry Aphmau...", he said with regret in his voice.

"What are you talking about?", I asked.

"About my reaction to you and Aaron. I said that I would be glad for you and whoever you end up with but I didn't keep true to that. I'm certain that if he didn't make you happy then you would never have been as close.", he said.

Without thinking I hugged Garroth tightly and said, "No, it was my fault..., I just sprung it on you out of nowhere."

"No it was m-", he was cut off by me groaning in pain, "Aphmau are you okay?!"

"Yes, I'm fine. That's what I get for not eating on time.", I told him as I let go.

"Are you sure?", he asked.

"Yep!", I smiled though still in a bit of pain. To tell the truth I wasn't sure why I was having these stomach aches all of a sudden.

"If you say so.", he said.

We were about to start walking again when we heard someone call out.

"Hello!", we turned around and saw a young woman standing there at the gate waving to us.

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