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Aaaaaand it's done.

Another Journey of the Divine book has been completed and posted!

Thank you so, so much to everyone that read and stuck through to the end, especially to those who commented. You have absolutely no idea how flipping happy it made me to see someone like or react to scenes that I personally had to take a break to breathe after reading them.

While editing 2 years-younger-me's work the amount of cringe I felt was indescribable but I felt like I owed it to younger-me to post what she was extremely proud of at the time. I'd like to think my writing style has changed a lot from what it used to be but it also took a while of me ranting to friends about how different it was to realize that with time, practice  and experience writing and other crafts will slowly get better.

Most importantly though, writing this was fun and that was what writing is supposed to be. I am more than certain that in the future I'll look back at my story drafts that I have now and wither away with cringe and that's fine like I said. 

Why did I write this?:

1. Completing/ giving Minecraft Diaries and the characters the ending I so desperately wanted them to have (not including the amulet and spy shenanigans).

2. For my own fun and experimentation. 

3. I didn't see many MCD fanfics at the time with my favorite characters and storylines so I decided to do it my self.

4. For others' enjoyment.

I'm not sure if a third book will be made. I've pretty much fallen out of the fandom and only peeping in to check on things and other fan works. If there ever is a time that Aph decides to pick up the roleplays again I'll be the first one on that ship, but until then I have a few more fanfic ideas I'm planning on writing as soon as I can. One of them is an AU and it's been on my mind for the longest of times- since maybe 2021- so that's probably going to be the first one out.

Thank you again, everyone, for reading, voting and commenting.

Adios for now~ AstridTJC <3

Journey of the Divine - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now