Chapter 5

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Garroth's POV:

"Hello!", a female voice called out.

We turned around and saw a young woman about Aphmau's or Katelyn's age at the gate. She was a bit shorter than me from what I could tell since we were still pretty far from her. The woman had short neck length brown hair and red eyes. Hmm... No, just because someone has red eyes mean that they are a Shadow Knight, Lucinda has red eyes and she's obviously not one. She was also wearing a white shirt and black shorts with a dark blue cloak. Soon after she had called to us we began to make our way to greet the visitor.

"Hi! Welcome to Phoenix Drop!", Aphmau smiled warmly at the new-comer.

I nodded at the lady smiling.

"Thanks, I was actually wondering if you had a place to stay? I've been walking for a while then I saw the wall.", she said.

"Of course, I'm sure the Lord would be more than happy to let you stay here for as long as you need. What's your name?", Aphmau asked.

"My name is Lyla.", she said.

"Aphmau.", Aphmau said smiling holding out her hand for Lyla to shake.

"Garroth.", I said then held out my hand when she was done.

"We should go ask Levin to see she he can set her up somewhere.", Aphmau told me and I nodded.

We were about to walk off when I sensed something from Lyla. I turned to her and asked, "Are you my chance a Magiks user?"

"Y-yeah, I am. I'm a barrier magiks person. But I-I don't use it often since my trade is mostly psychology.", She told us then stepped back a bit looking at us nervously, "D-do you guys have a problem with Magiks users?"

"No not at all.", I told her then looked over to Aphmau who looked very excited.

I knew what she was thinking. She wanted to know if Lyla could help Laurance. I rested my hand on her shoulder as signal not to get her hopes up too much even if I wanted the same thing just as much as her.

"Umm, do you think after you settle in and everything you could help us with something?", Aphmau asked.

"Of course! Anything!", Lyla said smiling.

"Thanks! Let's go find Levin now Garroth!", Aphmau beamed then began to run off.

She stopped a couple of feet away looking exhausted. When we asked if she was okay she brushed it off as nothing. Then we walked the rest of the way. We walked to the boys' house and knocked on the door.

"Hmm? Oh hey mom! Hey Garroth!", Levin smiled when he saw us.

"He's your son? He looks almost the same age as you.", Lyla asked.

"Adopted.", Levin said.

"A lot of stuff happened.", Aphmau mumbled, "Anyway, Levin, this is Lyla. She would like a place to stay here."

"Sure. The more the merrier. I'll go help her set up a house right now.", he said the let her come inside the house.

"You aren't coming?", Levin asked us as he was about to return back inside.

"Sorry but no. We have some things we need to take care of.", I told him.

Levin looked at the ground frowning a bit then looked back at us smiling, "No problem. Cya Mom. Bye Garroth.", and we went inside.

Aphmau then groaned again holding her stomach.

"Aphmau? Are you sure you're okay?", I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm okay.", she said standing up straight again, "It's getting late and I would at least like to try get answers from Gene or Sasha."

"Alright, if you're up for it.", I said and we began walking back to the Phoenix Alliance portal.

After we passed through we went straight to the prison. When we walked in we saw Gene staring daggers at Dante and Dante was folding his arms as he leaned against the wall.

"Hey Dante, any luck?", Aphmau asked.

"Nope. Not even a single word.", he told us then looked from her to me and smiled, "See, I told you Aphmau."

Aphmau laughed, "Fine, I guess you were right."

I didn't bother to question what they were talking about but instead looked at Gene and Sasha. Why did she even come all this way just to stay quiet? She knew something but she was clearly afraid to say it. Michi then let out a long whine interrupting Dante and Aphmau's conversation. They turned their attention to Michi, Aphmau already looking annoyed since the Meif'wa opened her mouth.

"I shouldn't even be here!", she complained, "I'm only here because of this stupid Shadow Knight!"

"You better take that back you-"

"Okay then! It's obvious you two need some..., time apart.", Aphmau interrupted Sasha in mid-sentence.

"So you're letting me out?!", Michi asked with hope in her eyes.

"What? No. You're just going to sit in the corner and not talk to Sasha at all.", Aphmau told her.

"Ugh! Of all the people I chose to get stuck with it has to be you!", she said pointing at Sasha.

I face palmed, "As we said, if you had any information we might have let you go."

Michi smirked a bit then sat down in the corner turning her back to us.

"I actually didn't expect her to listen.", Aphmau commented.

"Same.", Dante and I said at the same time.

We walked out the building and said our goodbyes then we each went our separate ways with each of our own thoughts on our minds.

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