Chapter 23

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Third person POV:

The trade off with Tu'la unknowingly trading Garte for the fake fragment went off without a hitch and they left feeling satisfied. Garroth and Katelyn were now taking Garte to the jail cell on the Alliance Island to await Aphmau and see what they should do with Garte.

Aphmau's POV:

I was making my way to the prison to meet Garroth and Katelyn who should be with Garte. I entered the prison to be greeted by Gene giving me a cold glare. I rolled my eyes at him and went over to where I saw Garroth and Katelyn.

"Morning Aphmau. The trade went well. Tu'la has the fragment.", Katelyn said and I glanced at Gene who was staring at us in disbelief.

He must think that we actually gave Tu'la the real fragment. I looked back at Katelyn who was also trying to hold in a laugh at Gene. Then I looked towards Garte. He looked almost like Garroth just a lot older. He was wearing a white buttoned blouse and black pants and shoes to go with it.

"Isn't it Lady Aphmau. Nice to meet the girl who kept my son away from O'Khasis all these years.", he said.

"I'm not your son.", Garroth said coldly glaring at his father.

"C'mon son. What did I ever do to you?", Garte asked.

Garroth gave him a 'seriously?' look and sighed then turned to me, "So do we just leave him in here?"

"Yeah, that's the best thing to do for now. Now Gene, you two play nice.", I teased the black-haired male.

His glare on me returned but a lot harder. Garroth, Katelyn and I left the prison house then went our separate ways. They went to see if they can find any trace of Emmalyn and send a bird asking if any of the villages in the Alliance have any too. I walked off in the opposite direction looking at how far the village had actually come. We had a few more houses and paths were being made. While I was walking down one of the paths I spotted Laurance and Lyla hanging out as always a little ways away from the roadside. I thought I would just say hi so I made my way over to them.

Laurance's POV:

I've gotten back some of my memories but something doesn't feel right. Why do I mostly keep having visions of my painful memories? Right now I'm with Lyla underneath one of the trees away from the path. We were just talking when we saw Aphmau walk up to us.

"Hey Aph.", I waved smiling.

"Hi Aphmau.", Lyla said., "How's the pregnancy?"

"Tiring.", Aphmau whined.

"It will all be over soon.", Lyla reassured then looked over to one of the buildings.

"Umm, Aph. Could I borrow your restroom for a quick minute?", she whispered.

"Oh umm. Don't worry, go ahead, Zoey can help you if you need any help.", Aphmau said.

"Thanks.", Lyla said then ran off.

After she left I remembered the guy I saw Garroth and Katelyn walk into the prison with and I think I know him from somewhere.

"So Aphmau, that guy that was with Garroth, who was he?", I asked.

"Oh, his father Garte. It's actually my first time seeing him. Why, you know him?", she asked cocking her head slightly.

"I uhh..., I guess you could say that.", I mumbled.

"Huh? How- does that mean you're getting back you're memory?!", she squealed.

Ugh, shoot! I wasn't in the mood to talk about that right now. I looked at her and scratched the back of my head, "Maybe...", I told her quietly.

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