Chapter 6

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Katelyn's POV:

I'm very sure that I probably missed some interesting stuff yesterday since I was helping Dmitri train, so this morning I thought I would visit Aph or Garroth to see if they could catch me up on things. I was walking out of my front door when a bird flew up to me carrying a note tied to its leg. I took of the note and released the bird, then walked back inside.

"A note?", I pondered aloud as I sat on the couch opening it up.

I wasn't sure who it had come from or why someone would write a me a letter until I read the note. I read the letter and gasped bringing my hand up to my mouth. I read it over a few more times just to make sure I was reading it right.

"Dear Lady Katelyn,

I am so sorry to say that your brother, Kacey was killed last month. He was killed because he was said to be related to a Jury of Nine member. I tried to stop the person but, I was too late. I didn't catch the face but I won't stop searching until I find the perpetrator. I send my dearest condolences.


Heather the Unhinged."

W-what.... No! If I ever get my hands on the person who did this! A-And I didn't even get to talk to him again after all these years since the whole Zane incident. T-this never would have happened if I hadn't joined the stupid Jury!

I got off the couch and walked over to a wall some tears running down my face.

"Why now... Why is this all happening?", I mumbled to myself as I punched a wall with the note in one hand getting crushed in my grip.

I kept punching and punching even thought my hands were now exhausted and becoming red from blood rush. For the first time punching something actually hurt. It didn't matter if my hands felt like they were on literal fire, I just felt like I needed to punish myself for what happened. This could have been avoided. I deserved this, after all the pain I caused from being under Zane's control. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door knocked. I wiped my tears from my eyes in my shirt then walked up to the door and opened it. Travis was standing outside waiting. He smiled when he saw me but the smile fell when I began to speak.

"What do you want Travis?", I asked coldly. I hadn't meant for it to come out that way but..., that happened unfortunately. I just didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Are you okay?", he asked not answering my question.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why are you here Travis?", I asked him again as I clutched the paper that was in my hand tighter.

"Aphmau told me to get you because she and Garroth are going to the Divine Hall. And since I was planning on just coming this once I thought I would just do her the favour.", he told me.

My grip on the paper loosened a bit and that movement caught Travis' attention. He looked down at the paper in my hand then back at me.

"Katelyn?", he asked quietly. He took the paper from me and before I could even react he opened it.

After he read it he looked at me with concern.

"Katelyn, I'm so sorry.", he told me.

"Don't be..., if I just said no to Zane this might not have happened.", I said hanging my head.

"It's not your fault.".

"It is! I caused so much pain to so many people..., I don't even deserve your trust.", I told him covering my face with my hand to hide that I was crying.

"Katelyn, It isn't. If I know you, you were probably doing is for a good reason.", he said hugging me.

I stood there in shock, even though I really wanted to push him away I just stood there and let it happen. I honestly didn't feel like punching him today, besides, i-it actually felt nice. I eventually stopped crying then we broke the hug.

Travis then said, "If you want I can tell Aph you aren't feeling well."

"No, it's okay. I'm actually feeling a bit better. Thanks.", I told him smiling slightly.

I couldn't believe this perv actually was able to say something smart and not flirt for five minutes.

"Was it because this amazing person came to visit you?", he smirked. And there it goes again.

"Oh shut up.", I said punching his arm playfully.

We walked off to meet the others at the Divine Hall. I hesitantly told Aphmau about what happened and she instantly gave me a huge hug. After we got all of that out of our systems we went to the pedestals and explained to Travis what he should do. We figured it should work even though he hadn't accepted the relic yet but since he was a descendant and it might let him through. We traced our fingers on the Divine Warrior symbols then all I was a bright light.

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