Chapter 9

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Aphmau's POV:

I woke up this morning extremely tired. Before I knew about this baby I wasn't THIS tucked out, I guess it's mind over matter. I slowly got out of bed and picked up Lilith after. Then I went down-stairs where I saw that my breakfast was on the table already. Lilith then woke up and stared at me with her big blue eyes.

"Good morning Lilith.", I smiled at her.

"Mama!", she cooed.

I put her down on a chair and went to prepare her food. I mashed some peas then went back to the table and put them there. I began to feed her when the door was knocked.

"Mommy will be right back okay.", I told Lilith as I got up.

I opened the door and saw Lyla.

"Good morning Lady Aphmau. I thought that you might have needed some help this morning.", she smiled.

"Thanks for the offer. I was just feeding Lilith.", I said and let her come in.

She sat at the table and began to feed Lilith for me.

"So..., who's the person you wanted me to help?", she asked.

"A friend of mine named Laurance.", I told her.

She looked surprised when I said his name.

"You know him?", I asked.

"Yeah sort of. I met him just last night.", she told me.

"Great! So at least you're familiar with each other.", I smiled, "I can probably go out and get him."

"Oh no you don't. You're going to stay here. I'll go get him.", she said standing up and handing me Lilith's food. Then she walked out.

Laurance's POV:

I was downstairs once again with nothing to do since Cadenza had to talk with someone. It's really getting annoying how she thinks I need a babysitter. I sighed then a glimmer of something in the corner caught my eye. I went over to it and saw an emerald, green sword there. I picked it up by the handle and looked at it. It felt so familiar I was about to pick up the sheath next to it when the door was knocked. I put down the sword and went to answer it. At the door I saw Lyla.

"Hi again!", she smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", I asked her.

"Aphmau sent me for you.", she told me.

"I don't need a babysitter.", I told Lyla almost coldly.

"Who said anything about babysitting? I'm here to try get your memory back.", she told me folding her arms.

I looked back at the sword from the corner of my eye then looked back at her.

"Fine then.", I told her.

Lyla smiled and told me to follow her. I did what she asked closing the door behind me. We walked to Aphmau's house and we walked inside.

Aphmau's POV:

When Lyla and Laurance walked in I smiled and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Hey Laurance.", I cooed.

He waved and Lyla told him to sit down. I picked Lilith up and told Lyla I had to take care of something. I went upstairs and changed Lilith's clothes and diaper then went back downstairs with her. I saw Lyla talking to Laurance but it seemed like he wasn't even paying attention.

"Are you even listening to me?", Lyla asked a bit irritated.

"Yes I am.", Laurance answered looking back at her.

She sighed, "Make sure. Oh hey Aph. Do you mind going back upstairs? I need complete concentration.", she said when she saw me.

"No problem. It's been awhile since I've had some one-on-one time with Lilith.", I told her then went back upstairs.

I sat down with Lilith and played with her on the bed. It felt like forever since we've done this. We played peek-a-boo and other games. I was tickling her and she fell over from laughing so hard. When she got back up she looked up towards the corner and saw Aaron's bandanna that I wrapped around the handle of his sword.

"Dada!", she chirped pointing at it.

"Yeah, that was his... I- I really miss him.", I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"No, I promised him I'll keep smiling for him and for Lilith.", I told myself.

After a few hours it was now the afternoon and Lilith was sleeping peacefully on my bed. I decided to go check on Zoey, Lyla, and Laurance. I left Lilith on the bed and went down the stairs ignoring my stomach cramps. When I got downstairs I saw Laurance resting his head on the table on his arms and Lyla wasn't inside. There were two cups on the table that had some water still in it. I picked up the glasses and put them in the sink. When I turned back around I saw Laurance sitting up in the chair.

"I guess he still knows how to sleep with one eye closed.", I laughed to myself.

"Hey Aph.", he said tiredly.

"Hi. Where's Lyla?", I asked.

He shrugged, "She said that she need to get something back at Phoenix Drop."

"Okay. Do you remember anything?", I asked hopeful that he did.

He shook his head 'no'.

'It's okay Aph. It might take longer for it to work.', I thought then I told him, "I'm going to check on Zoey. I'll be right back."

He nodded and then I walked downstairs.

"Zoey?", I called out.

"I'm in the guest room!", she shouted.

I went in and saw her standing in front of a glass case with no opening that had the amulet in it.

"Hey Aphmau. I just finished with the protection spell. Only you, Garroth, Katelyn, Travis and I will be able to get it out. If anyone else touches it they will get burnt.", she told me.

I stepped forward and reached my hand in the case to take it out. My hand passed right through the surface and I pulled out the amulet with ease.

"Wow. This is so cool. But we should move the case to a higher self so that Lilith can't reach it though.", I suggested as I put it back in.

"I will, don't worry. Are Lyla and Laurance still up there?", she asked.

"Well Laurance is still up there while Lyla went back to Phoenix drop for something she needed.", I told her.

"Okay. I guess my work here is done.", Zoey said moving the case to a higher level.

I nodded and was about to walk back upstairs when I saw something move from the outside. I looked through the basement window and saw someone running away from it into the woods.

"What? Who was that?!", Zoey asked panicking a bit.

"I don't know. They were dressed in all black. I'm going to chase after them and make sure they aren't a threat.", I told Zoey and began to runback up the stairs.

"Aphmau! Wait!", Zoey exclaimed but I ignored her.

I ran through the door and past Laurance ignoring their calls for me to come back.

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