Chapter 26

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Laurance's POV:

I walked up the stairs now regretting that I lied to Cadenza. Yeah, I remembered a guy named Vincent just not everything. But I knew something was up and I now had a sinking gut feeling. After I had spent a whole five minutes in my room debating whether or not I should tell Cadenza, I decided to go back downstairs and tell her. When I got back down Cadenza was gone. I sighed then went back upstairs to get clothed properly.

~*~*~*~*~*~**~Time Skip a few hours~*~*~*~*~*~**~

I made my way to Lyla's house since I figured that Cadenza might be there. I knocked on the door and almost instantly she answered it.

"Oh hey Laurance. What are you doing here?", she asked me.

"I'm looking for Cadenza.", I told her.

"She was here a few moments ago. She should probably still be in Phoenix Drop. But I'm guessing you didn't tell her that you remembered somethings.", she said.

"Yeah.", I said regretfully.

"I'll help you look for her.", she smiled.

I nodded and we then began to walk through out the streets. When we got close to the square we saw almost everyone gathered up there and were panicking. The sinking feeling in my gut returned but I pushed it off and walked up to the group with Lyla. Since Aphmau and Garroth were the closet I went up to them first. I tapped on Aphmau's shoulder and she turned around with a jump.

"What's going on?", I asked her.

"H-hey. Umm, Cadenza's gone.", she told me nervously.

I was then hit with another memory. This time was when it first happened and a Guard named Glenda kidnapped her.

"What?", I asked in disbelief.

I started to think about this keeping my anger under control since I felt like getting upset wouldn't help right now. There was only one reason that came into mind why she would be taken. It was that Cadenza was going to be used as a sacrifice.

"She was just about to tell us that she thinks she knows who the spy was too.", Aphmau mumbled.

That makes another reason. I started to put things together and I had a new suspect. I went up to Garroth and asked if we could go to somewhere private. We went behind a building and I told him about who I thought it was and that I would take care of finding Cadenza while he and the others focus on the werewolves. I just had a feeling that I could trust him even though I hadn't really spent that much time with him since half of the time I was with Cadenza or Lyla.

"Wait, how did you know about the werewolves?", he asked as we were about to walk off.

"I overheard your conversation yesterday when I was walking by.", I told him turning back to face him.

He nodded and we went back to join the others.

Garroth's POV:

After we went back to the group Lyla and Laurance left and the others were still here.

"What was that about?", Aphmau asked.

I remembered what Laurance told me, to make sure that not many people find out so it doesn't travel to the spy. I whispered it in her ear and told her to keep it under wraps. She gasped covering her mouth then smiled and nodded.

"It's super risky though.", she whispered.

"We'll just have to hope that it works.", I told her.

We then suggested to the others to go to the old guardhouse to discuss tomorrow.

"So we're just going to forget about Cadenza?!", Katelyn questioned.

"We have that part under control, but for it to work we need to make sure that we stop Fenrir and his army.", I told them.

They all nodded and we went to plan out our attack strategy. Nicole, lord John and some of their guards had just come and we explained the situation to them.

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