Chapter 19

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Aphmau's POV:

I had gone on a morning walk with Zoey and Lilith since Zoey said it might help me relax. It actually worked and now we were on our way back to the house where we were to meet Lyla. But on the walk I was actually taking note of the people we passed, reason being is that I wanted to see if any of the new people here seemed off in a way.

I remembered that when we were just talking as we passed by a house one of the meif'wa men refugees had his eyes on us until we had passed the house completely. Other times if we ran into someone it would just put me on edge if I felt any source of magiks from them or if I got the slightest hint that someone was watching us. Overall Zoey was able to help get my mind of things.

We walked down the path now at the campground when we saw Vylad walking towards the area coming from the portal. I was about to run up to meet him but Zoey who was holding Lilith in one hand grabbed one of mine with her free one. I sighed remembering that I shouldn't be doing anything too extreme. When she let go I instead walked up to him and met him when he was almost half-way to where we were before.

"Hey Vylad. How was the trip?", I asked.

"It was..., fruitful I guess you could say.", he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Huh? Did you get caught? Or did something go wrong?", I asked franticly scanning him for any injuries.

"No, no. Everything went well. I was just caught off guard by something.", he mumbled the last part then spoke up again, "We might have some visitors coming soon."

"Visitors?", Zoey questioned.


"Wait.", I said cutting Vylad off, "Let's not talk about this here."

He nodded and the four off us made our way to my house with Lilith now in my hand and pointing and naming the different things she saw. When we got home we entered and found that the door was unlocked. We went in and Zoey went around the house making sure that Lyla wasn't present at the moment or anyone else that we weren't that familiar with enough to share this information.

"Is everything okay?", Vylad asked as he closed the door behind him.

"No.", I said putting Lilith on the ground so she could crawl around.

I looked back up at him and lead him to the kitchen and gave him a glass of water. I poured myself some as well then began.

"When you were gone a couple of things happened.", I told him turning back around to face him.

He took a sip then asked, "Like?"

"We found out that Zane is back and he also kidnapped Emmalyn," I began and his eyes widened, "Good news though, Sasha is now on our side and she gave us information."

"That's great. What did she say?", Vylad asked.

I relayed what Sasha told us about the spies to him and the magic reversing liquid. He hung his head low as if thinking this over. The he looked back up at me and placed the cup on the table behind him.

"I also have news from Tu'la.", he began folding his arms, "They're planning on coming back with a hostage."

"A hostage?! W-who? Everyone apart from Emmalyn is here and she's with Zane!", I asked fiddling with my glass, being careful not to drop it.

"Don't worry, it's not anyone important.", he mumbled.

"What?", I questioned not sure if I heard that right.

Zoey at that time came from downstairs and into the kitchen to join us.

"I mean..., they remembered seeing Garroth and I there and that our mom was here as well, so they thought that we had an alliance with O'Khasis.", he explained, "And so they're planning on offering Garte in return for Shad's Relic."

"Turns out it's actually a fragment of it.", I told him and he and Zoey nodded. Then I continued, "But thanks Vylad for telling me."

"I can't believe they think we're in cahoots with O'Khasis though.", Zoey mumbled and let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, but Vylad you seemed a bit..., distraught when you came back.", I mentioned.

"It's nothing. I'm going to check on my mother and Garroth. I might just try to sense the other Shadow Knight also. See you later ladies.", he said handing me his glass then walked out the door.

"Hmm... Anyway, Aph do you know where Lyla is? She wasn't here when I checked.", Zoey told me.

"She wasn't upstairs or downstairs?", I asked.

"Nope.", she said then the door was knocked.

We went to see who it was then we saw that it was Cadenza in one of her mint green dresses. She was still standing at the entrance with Lilith in hand who was poking at her face.

She laughed and then cooed, "You are too cute!"

"Hey Cadenza!", I called out to her gaining her attention.

She looked up at us and smiled. She walked over and handed Lilith to me.

"Hey Aph. Hey Zoey. I thought I would come and check up on everyone.", she said.

"Cadenza you need to relax. What about making dresses like you used to?", Zoey asked.

"I, uhh, I still have my lordly duties. I just have Vincent and Zack back at New Meteli making sure everything is okay.", she told us rubbing her left arm, "But I also came to check up on Laurance and Lyla."

"Laurance?", Zoey and I questioned at the same time.

"Yeah, he came over to see Lyla.", Cadenza said slowly some concern growing in her voice.

"Umm... we haven't seen them since we got back. BUT I'm sure they're perfectly fine.", I told her not wanting to raise any alarms in her head.

She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Cadenza, Laurance was the second in command guard at Phoenix drop and Lyla has Barrier Magiks.", Zoey chimed in.

"Yeah, but Laurance lost his memory and probably-"

"Relax. They will be perfectly fine. Why not have some tea while wait for them to get back?", Zoey suggested leading us back into the kitchen.

"Fine...", Cadenza mumbled then gasped and smiled broadly, "And we can also think about baby names!"

I laughed and sat down at the table with her with Lilith still in hand and Zoey at the counter mixing the tea.

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