Chapter 15

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Aphmau's POV:

We ran following the footprints through the woods. Based on where the moon was in the sky it was almost dawn. I looked back down at the footprints and was that they were vanishing.

"Lucinda?!", I asked franticly looking up at her.

"Darn it. We need to keep moving before the spell wears off.", she said and we continued running through the forest.

After a few minutes, the spell had officially worn off and the prints were no longer seen.

"Lucinda can't you redo the spell?", Kenmur asked desperation clear in his voice.

Lucinda shook her head, "That spell takes up too much energy even for me. We would have to wait again. Plus the tracks probably wouldn't be fresh."

I sighed and looked in a random direction. And just my amazing luck, I saw a formation behind the bushes to my left. I peeped behind the clump and saw a cave.

"Guys!", I called to them smiling.

We walked into the cave and saw that there was a campfire that looked like it was recently put out by the small amounts of smoke coming from it. There was also a bundle of chopped wood there and the rocks in the cave were put to one side.

"Zane was obviously here. Aph, do you think that Shad brought him back as a Shadow Knight?", Katelyn asked.

"Most likely. They couldn't have gone far.", I said turning to face everyone.

I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach area and tried to cover up the pain but a small groan exited my mouth.

"Aph, you're in pain. We'll keep looking but you have to go home.", Lucinda said.

I sighed. I did promise Katelyn that I would go home if I even had a minor cramp. Then an idea popped in my head.

"What about Michi?", I pondered aloud.

"What about her? Aph we told you she's still in jail.", Travis said.

"Yeah I know. But who is she in jail with?", I asked smiling a bit.

"Gene and Sasha.", Garroth said.

"Exactly! And we already know that she wants out. She might have information from ease dropping on the two.", I told them.

"Good idea. But after this you are definitely going home.", Katelyn said.

I nodded then we walked off to go to the prison. When we got there Travis and Lucinda decided to wait outside so that it wouldn't be so crowed. We went in and stood in front of the cell.

"What are you doing here again?", Gene asked glaring at us.

Sasha looked from me to Kenmur and I think I saw some form of regret in her eyes.

"Be quiet Gene, we aren't her to see you. Michi.", Katelyn said sternly.

Michi who was laying down on the bench sat up quickly upon hearing her name called.

"Yes?", she asked standing away from the bench.

Garroth went into the cell and cuffed her.

"What's going on?", Michi asked as Garroth was still holding her wrists.

"We need to have a few words.", Garroth said being as vague as possible.

They walked out the cell and we brought her to the dock where we would have absolute privacy. When we got there the sun had already risen.

"Uhh...what's going on?", Michi asked again.

"We want to know if you have any information on the Shadow Knights.", I told her.

"Nya~ Of course I do! I'm the sneakiest, most amazing-"

"Most self-absorbed.", Katelyn mumbled.

"Hey! Do you want the information or not?", Michi sassed her.

"Go ahead Michi.", I told her.

"When they thought I was sleeping I overheard them talking about someone coming to get them out. That guy, Gene I think, didn't say who it was though.", Michi told us.

"Anything else?", Lucinda asked her.

"The only other thing I know is that they have a plan for when the person gets them out. But you guys came in before I could hear what the plan was.", she said.

"Thanks Michi. And as promised... you get to leave.", I said sighing, "I feel like I'm going to regret this."

Garroth uncuffed her then she rubbed each of her wrist getting rid the ache.

"Ahh~ Thanks!", she said skipping off but then stopped and sighed.

She turned back to us and said, "You should also talk to Sasha."

"But isn't she with Gene?", Travis asked.

"Things aren't always as they seem.", she said the ran off.

Katelyn covered her face with her hand and groaned, "Great. Now another reason for Aphmau to come."

"No. I promised that I would go home after this and that's what I'm going to do.", I told her.

She gave a sigh of relief, "Well talk with Sasha while you go and rest. We'll tell you if anything happens."

I nodded and Garroth offered to walk me home. When we got there I was greeted by a worried Zoey.

"Aphmau thank Irene you're okay. Do you know how worried I was?", she said hugging me.

"I don't see why you should be worried. After all, Garroth and the others were there.

I turn my head slightly and saw a bit of blush on Garroth's face. I bet he's wishing more than ever to still have his helm.

"I know. But for the entire rest of the week and next you are going to take it easy.", Zoey told me.

"Don't worry I will. Thanks Garroth.", I said then went inside the house closing the door behind me.

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