Chapter 31

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Aphmau's POV:

It was the next morning and I was back at my house. I woke up and ignored my morning sickness and got dressed at full speed. I kissed Lilith who was still asleep on the forehead.

"Mommy will be right back.", I whispered then ran out the house.

I began ran to Laurance's house and met Garroth and Dante on the way.

"Hey Aphmau. I'm guessing you're here to see Laurance off?", Dante greeted.

"Yeah.", I responded.

"Then let's get going.", Garroth said then we continued to make our way.

When we got there the door was open and we saw Cadenza on a seat in the dining room crying silently. She was holding a paper and when she saw us she began to cry even more.

"Cadenza...?", I then realised what happened.

"He's gone!", she said quietly.

I saw the note in her hand that was still clutched tightly and I began to feel upset too. We had just gotten Laurance back and now he was gone again. I went over to Cadenza to comfort her since she probably didn't want him to go as much as we did. The boys just stood there looking at us probably not knowing how to react since this was so sudden.

"H-hey, he said that he would be back so...", Garroth said trying to bring some comfort to the situation.

"B-but....", Cadenza said and started crying all over again looking away from our group.

"What's with all this crying!?", A familiar voice asked.

He pushed past Dante and Garroth and I saw that it was Castor and one of his chickens. He probably realised what was happening and his once playful face fell into a sad one.


The chicken in his hand began to do a cry like caw and jumped on to the ground.

"Timberly, stop. You're not making anything better.", Castor said turning around trying to make sure that no one saw his few tears.

I looked at everyone and put on a reassuring smile.

"Garroth's right. He said he would be back; besides, he wouldn't want us to be moping. He would want us to get on with our lives.", I told them.

Cadenza sniffed then nodded and smiled. Soon everyone else was smiling. We decided to go to my place for breakfast.

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