Chapter 32: (Short Extra Chapter)

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Emmalyn's POV:

I stood with Zane on a hill overwatching the battle between the werewolves and the Phoenix Alliance end. I stood there behind him scared to run off again.

Zane let out a frustrated sigh, "This just proves that you should never let others do your work for you."

"So you'll let me go?", I asked.

He laughed and turned around to me, "Oh sweet innocent Emmalyn, no. You're useful."

"Don't you ever call me that!", I told him.

I saw a smirk form under his mask. He walked pass me and then stopped.

"Are you coming?", he asked.

"It's not like I have a choice.", I mumbled.

He began to walk off and I was about to do the same when I looked back to Phoenix Drop, my first home. I was actually leaving everyone I know and love.

"B-bye, p-please be safe you guys.", I whispered then walked off with Zane who now began to drag me off.

??? POV:

I got out thanks be to Shad. I teleported back to the Nether. Ahh~ It felt so good to be back, to feel the heat on my skin and armour metal and to smell the burning flesh and ashes.

"G-Gene!? Your back!?", I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and saw a Shadow Knight in full armour run up to me.

"Yes it's me."

"Welcome back. I'm guessing things went well?", the person asked.

"Is Lyla back?" I asked her.

"No. She isn't. Then things... probably didn't go well.", the person said.

"Obviously not.", I told her coldly, "And that premature Zane is probably running now."

"What do you want us to do?", she asked.

"Nothing. We need to keep planning. After all, he still might prove useful while he's on the run.", I said simply then walked off away from her.

I'll make sure that Irene and my little brother don't get the last laugh.

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