Chapter 29

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Laurance's POV:

We both stood there pushing back on each other's swords. I wasn't at all surprised that the traitor was Lyla.

It made sense that they would send someone with barrier magiks to get the fragment and amulet. That person would easily be able to deactivate the spell. Also after I started getting back different parts of my memory it helped me connect some dots. Only after Lyla came did things start escalating. Her method of getting my memory back was basically drugging me. It's a special liquid that it used to reverse different effects of some magiks. Every time I came to visit her she would give me water containing it. That explained the funny taste. I guess she wasn't expecting it to work that well. It also didn't make sense when she left so often. She was overall trying to get on our good side.

"Give me back my sister Lyla.", I demanded.

My sister was more important than that blasted pendant. I pushed hard on my sword causing her to stagger back a bit. We both stood there waiting for the other to make a move.

"Why should I? Are you just going to give up on the Shadow Knights again like that?", she questioned, her grip on her sword tightened, "I thought you were better than that."

"I swore my loyalty to my lord not to Shad.", I told her.

"Really? Didn't seem that way when you attacked Aphmau and her friends.", she scoffed and ran to towards me.

We began to fight again, our swords interlocking with each other. I could feel Shad presence in the amulet even though it was deep in her pocket. Lyla went into her Shadow Knight form and I reacted by doing the same.

"And you know I really thought we had something special.", she said as we circled the area getting ready for the other's attack.

"Pff! Please, you were trying to flirt with me?", I mocked her as I lounged at her chest.

She moved her sword to block my move and began to counterattack.

"Well I think it was better than that attempt in the forest.", she fired back.

Our glares harder on each other as we fought and neither of us took our eyes of each other.

"You're supposed to be on our side!", Lyla shouted at me.

"Yeah. And kidnapping my sister really helped you out didn't it?", I sassed her.

I finally was able to hit her and I cut her in the shoulder. Lyla fell on the ground reached into her pocket and took out the amulet.

"Fine if I can't convince you then maybe Shad can.", she said then through the object at me.

I caught it and feeling I got from it was overbearing. I looked back at Lyla and she was smirking. She then took out a red potion and splashed it on herself causing her wounds to instantly heal. I put the amulet away and got back into a fighting stance.

"You're resistance may be strong but it won't last for long.", Lyla said then thrusted her sword towards me again.

It became difficult for me to focus on fighting Lyla and trying not to listen to Shad's voice.

"Just give up Laurance. What has staying with Irene ever gotten you?", I heard Shad's voice asked.

"Not again.", I mumbled as I dodged an attack.

"C'mon Laurance. Just join us and all those people can get what they deserve.", Lyla said continuing to urge me.

"'All those people' are my friends. And I think I've had enough of this.", I said and pushed back harder on my sword.

I knocked her to the ground and pointed my sword at her chest. Lyla glared at me and I did the same to her.

"You're going to stay here, got that?", I told her in more of a demanding way than asking.

She 'hmphed' and I backed away from her slowly then went over to get Cadenza. I stood next to the alter and untied Cadenza from the ropes that bound her to the alter. I checked her pulse and gave a sigh of relief when I found that she was still alive.

"Why not just take this sacrifice and go back Laurance?", Shad asked.

"I'm not going to betray Aphmau again. Now be quiet before I find some way to make you.", I responded.

I was about to pick up Cadenza when I heard a sword being draw out of the sheath. I turned around quickly with my sword and thrusted it at the unexpecting attacker. I had stabbed Lyla in the stomach and she fell on the ground clutching her stomach.

"W-what...", as all she was able to muster out.

I stood there not knowing how to react to what I just did. But soon knew exactly what to do once Lyla spoke again.

"You stupid premature!"

I looked at her with a hateful glare and turned back around to pick up Cadenza. Once I did I stepped over Lyla's bleeding body and began to make my way by to the square.

"You're just going to leave me here?!", Lyla shrieked out.

I then turned back around to her. I had to make a decision. I could either leave her here to die or help her. I didn't feel comfortable about leaving Cadenza though. By that time both Lyla and I were back in our human forms. I had made my decision. I laid Cadenza on the grass far away from Lyla then walked back over to the spy. I took off my Jacket and wrapped it around her stomach.

I felt Lyla's confused stares on me as I did it. I stood up and wiped the blood onto my pants as I looked at her.

"I'm going to help you, but only if you don't cause any trouble.", I told her.

"F-fine. I didn't even get to use the strength potions.", she mumbled the last part.

I rolled my eyes then turned around when I saw movement behind me. I saw Cadenza sitting up slowly, looking around the area dazed and confused.

"Cadenza!", I exclaimed and ran up to hug her.

"L-Laurance!? What's- I remember now! Ugh, my head.", she groaned.

"It's okay. Are you fine enough to walk?", I asked her as she sat up.

"Yeah, I think so.", she said.

I offered my hand and helped her up. My attention was brought back to Lyla when she let out another painful groan. I went over to her and picked her up bridal style.

"And you're still going to help her?", Cadenza asked when I turned back around to face her.

I nodded and we began to make our way back to the camp. On our way Lyla had passed out from bold loss. So now we were rushing even quicker than before to get to the barn to try and help her.

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