Chapter 12

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Aphmau's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted by a smiling face on my chest. It was Lilith and she was playing with my hair, twirling it around her finger.

I groaned, "Morning Lilith."

"Mama!", she said making herself fall on top of me to hug me.

I smiled and lifted her off of me so I could get up. I sat up and rested against the bed frame. I looked at my belly and saw that it really didn't look like I was pregnant. It was still the same as before. I was about to get up when I had my first cramp for the morning.

"Gah! Oh my Irene...", I mumbled.

Lilith cocked her head probably wondering if I'm okay. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry. Mama's okay.", I told her lifting her up, "Now let's get you something to eat."

I carried her my hands while walking downstairs. Zoey was there making breakfast as usual.

"Morning Zoey.", I told her tiredly.

"Morning Aphmau! Oh my, you look exhausted.", she said turning to me and her smiled turned to a frown.

She handed me a sliver plate and I looked at my reflexion. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was a mess. I handed the plate back to Zoey sighing. She placed the plate back down and turned back to the stove.

"Who knew pregnancy was so hard?", I grumbled sitting down with Lilith in my lap.

Zoey didn't answer back. I looked back up at her and was that she was looking out the window, focused on something.

"Zoey?", I questioned.

"Huh? Oh sorry.", she sighed looking at me then back at the window, "I think we're going to have visitors in... 3..., 2..., 1."

Just as she said that the door was knocked. Zoey turned off the fire then went over to open it.

"Hey Zoey, umm... can we see Aphmau?", I hear Katelyn ask.

"I'm in here Katelyn!", I called out.

I heard footsteps and saw Katelyn, Garroth and Travis came into the room. I raised my eyebrow not sure as to what was going on.

"Is everything okay?", I asked.

"Yeah, about that...", Travis trailed off.

"Emmalyn and Kenmur's research at the old temple was raided last night. ", Garroth told me.

"I tried to tell them we could handle this on our own but they instead that we come.", Katelyn mumbled.

"Was anyone hurt?", I asked. That was my main concern. I need to know if Kenmur and Emmalyn were okay.

"No, those two are okay. Kenmur luckily had convinced Emmalyn to take a break and go home for the night. He said that he was going to gather the information they had gathered when he saw that the place was trashed.", Garroth said.

I put my hand on my chin thinking. Lilith then took a red apple from the bowl and accidentally dropped it on the ground. That's when it hit me.

"Did you guys check the cells?", I asked.

"Yes we did. Gene, Sasha and Michi are still there.", Travis stated picking up the fruit and handing it back to Lilith.

I got up and put Lilith on the chair. I was about to walk past the group and go to the door when Zoey spoke up.

"Aph, please not again.", She complained, "You have a baby."

"Don't worry, this isn't anything 'extreme'", I told her making quote gestures with my hand when I said extreme, "Beside, I'll be back soon."

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